Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Pool of Emptiness

Drawing lines in sand  

                                   no one can see
Ants crawl over foot scrawled demarcation

Bluster and wind
Hollow rhetoric

Nothing more than 
                               a chocolate rabbit

              for a bite or heat
o collapse

Thursday, December 17, 2015

living dust

beauty can't last forever
don't deny time it's victory

into the arms of death
into the passing 
of everything

we are living dust

No Escape

violent heart beating
lungs gulping air 
feet running 
won't stop now
running until 
tendons snap
until bones break
this violence
this violence
will find you

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Soft Glow

I move from one screen to another as though

this were the most natural thing

for me to do.

I feel ill and fatigued.

I feel restless and hopeless.

Poles within me shift on floes

of melting polar ice.

Settlements at the edges of my continents

are drowning in the waters

creeping over the land.

Within me

climate change is real.

Glowing bright

the screen feels nothing

at my presence

and I return

the feeling

in kind.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Cast me into the fire

              let my flesh melt

                        reduce me to base simplicity

Pour me into a new mold

              let me cool and harden

                        a new form  a new life

Life after death

             no   simply life and life

                                             and more life

Saturday, December 12, 2015

On the Morning of Year Thirty-Three

The music plays beneath the quietness of a still morning
In the room next to mine
                                        my niece sleeps

I listen for the sounds of a mewling kitten

                                                                  knowing she will wake-

being mindful of such things

Until then

                I fill the page

                                      until it has eaten it's share


         I have nothing left

to feed it

Friday, December 11, 2015

No Dreams

I do not dream so
I do not live
I die 
more and more
with little to 
no effort
I do not dream
I do not wake
or have I been
wide eyed
all along

To Be Determined

Will I fight 
                  or capitulate easily
when Death
comes for me

I cannot know
I can  only guess

I would fight
     or so I think

Possibility being what
it is
      I drown

that which 

 I cannot resist

Angling For The Heimlich

Nothing to say
with no tongue to say it

Words on the white page

I choke

on the silence

           between us

Lack / ing

Tangents of thought
compressed or
built upon 
like foundations 
     architectural achievement

Consonants / Consonance

Syllables / Syllabic

Expression broken into

                 essential components

Meaning found / inferred


             so pitiful

             so lacking

in expression


an expression

of my 

         lack of 


An Overflowing Heart / An Empty Bottle

Another late night
The bottle sits

on the floor

The tumbler on my desk
emptied of life

as my blood heats my flesh

a bead of sweat


fills my ears

I close my eyes -


          of better days
The wilted rose has long been dead
but how much much can it be said
that it lived if it never even had a
chance to backpack across Europe
in its youth?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Must the wind always bring change?
Does it ever tire of it's task?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Abolish God
Abolish the Government
Abolish anything that keeps us apart
If you live long enough
you'll watch the gods die.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


I am sane and you are angry

or is it

I am angry and you are sane

or could it be

We are both alternating

in the degrees of

our anger and sanity

Is it not even more likely

that we are both

invisibly damaged in places

we are hardly aware of

but are blatantly

apparent to everyone else


that must be it

that must be something

close to the truth

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


We act as though our feet are embedded in hardened concrete.
Is this a plausible excuse for inaction on the sins of our brothers?
Did not the bible command us to be their keepers?

Watch the news on your tv, read the reports on your phone,
it seems to be that we are caught reliving the same sense
of outrage day after day, fatiguing our hearts and minds.

Outside my window I can see the clouds effortlessly hanging
on the blue December sky. Somewhere beyond my sight
there is violence, blood, and tears, tearing into the day.

We will say 'Never Again', and yet, again always
comes back around.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Don't blame beauty for anything.
What did Beauty ever do to you?
Did Beauty lead you on?
Your expectations are your own.
Beauty isn't biased, it just is.