Thursday, January 2, 2014

For starters...

Let's sleep in late and stay home all day
because there is so much to do
and I don't want to have to decide
where to go and what to do.

Let's have breakfast in the backyard
by the lemon tree while we eat waffles
covered in syrup and butter. We'd have
no use for cutlery.

Let's drive to the beach on a Monday
afternoon with no one around. We'd
laugh at everyone at work, believing
ourselves to posses a secret happiness.

Let's listen to records all night, reveling
in each pop and hiss before sound
elevates consciousness into altered
perception, radiates from ear to skin.

Let's sit in silence, but there is still the
sound of our breathing, the primal pulse
that perpetuates experience, enables
a subjective experience of brief existence.

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