Wednesday, December 24, 2014

He Who Waits

Horatius Augustus was done.
He was done waiting
for others.
He was done 
placing high expectations
on anyone by himself.
He had been waiting
for almost two hours
and told himself
he would wait
five minutes more
and then
give up.
He cracked the knuckles
in his left hand 
with his right
and looked 
to see
if anyone 
was coming.
He looked at the 
ground between his
feet and brought 
his hands together 
as he breathed in deeply.
He looked up 
and his eyes
saw a figure moving
towards him
with a confident gait
that could not be impeded
by anything less
than death itself.
He breathed in
pulled his shoulders back
and cracked
the bones 
in his upper back.
His right hand reached
for the hard
bit of safety
resting against himself
a final assurance
in the case
of any eventuality.

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