Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Mathematics of Life

It is easy to see our lives as the aggregate result
of a game of numbers.

- How man days have passed since our birth?

- How many sunrises have we witnessed

  versus sunsets?

- The number of times we have been in love.

- The number of times we've had our hearts broken.

- The number of times when we have done the breaking.

- How many times have we lied to curry favor.

- How many hours have we spent alone in contemplation.

- How many days remain from the day of this writing.

- How much money we need to not have to struggle.

- How many miles have we driven in our cars.

- How many hours have we spent waiting. 

- How much debt we carry.

- The number of marriage ceremonies we have attended.

- How many friends have told us about their impending divorce.

- How many days were you truly happy?

What matters?
Only a few things.
When do we discover this knowledge?

What are you thinking of right now?

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