Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lost In The Forest

We disappear

into our selves.

We become what we deserve.

Become your own master.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Circumference & Circumnavigation

Paths like mirrors

reflect our indiscretions

more clearly than

any high definition.

Uneasy stasis bores

through bone

into heart and gray

matter all too immaterial.

The tranquil forest hides

you easily as sun flits through

the leaves as easily as any avian

explorador. Paths run through,

endlessly circumnavigating

the circumference of this blind lust.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A litt

These towers of tuning

are turning towards


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back To The Fork

Winding back through the path,

the fork appears once more.

We waste no time in our haste

as our feet trod upon the path

we should have taken all along.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Poet Tree

Fruit withers

on the vine


a hand



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Seasons Change But The Words Still Remain

Hello Dearest _ ,

I've missed you my friend.

It's good to catch up from time to time

as the days blur the lines of weeks

and months before we forget about

the years. You were amazing the

last time I saw you. I hope it's

continued for you. I've been well

and busy. That does explain my

recent lack of communication.

We may see each other infrequently

but your friendship is not taken

for granted.

Be Well _ .



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Finding Us?

This old bear misses you.

You find yourself missing me.

We found each other again

at just the right time.

The Real World

Flesh feeding on flesh.

Teeth bared,

canines tear

through meat

as the face is

painted red.

A primal

directive thats

been subdued

rears itself

snarling, back

into view.

A thinly veiled

civility keeps

us at bay.

Seething below

our skin, our

fists always

at the ready to

rip apart the

pretense we

subject the

beast to.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

L to R

This left and right

are switching hands.

Your smile hides

a truth inside.

Turn this expectation

into frustration again.

Your eyes tell a lie

long enough to be fact.

Where does it end?

Endless and senseless.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sarah Sera


pendulum swings



s p a c e .

Fascinated ,



& wonder.

It bridges



Four Lines For Naught

This rain is endless.

Our tongues speak a language we have long forgot.

Making amends to the past.

We live on the precipice ready to gain and lose life if need be.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The room boils over

with grooves running through

& in between

bodies caught in

in smoke & drink.

Voices raise over

one another

in an attempt

for clarity.

Bleary eyed friends

and strangers


as one body,

the clock strikes


as we disappear

back into



Friday, March 19, 2010

2 Pieces

What you cannot find

you'll see inside.

What you cannot hear

the wind will whisper.

What you cannot taste

your hands will touch.


Red giant,

juggernaut waiting.

you will be an end.

Thursday, March 18, 2010



you only


your self.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Lamb

The Bad Things Good Men Do.

The Good Things Bad Men Do.

A Different Kind Of Green.

Little Lamb
Oh little lamb,
where did your shepherd go?
Do you weep silently
against the pasture?
Does the moon fail
to comfort you?
Oh little lamb
shedding tears,
where did your shepherd go?

1/2 an attempt

We swam downstream

gazing towards the heavens.

A corporeal existence

defied through willful action.

An analogy that is analogous

to this present tense.

Toss these words into the river,

forever swimming downstream.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sun won't you run

to those whose hours

are not yet come?

This night comes

through the late flight.

This treasons binds

itself in covert reason.

You glass skin

reaches within.

This diamond you can't rely on.

Words turned to dust from shredded pages past.

Monday, March 15, 2010

History Lessons

reading the cliffside

like a book,

revealing stories

of endless

ground and rock

told through

igneous formations.

our own histories



the cliffs

of these


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Goodbye By Way Of Attrition

I let you fall away


we had



to say.


This motivation pours itself

into the pen

scrawling across

the empty page.

Other concerns


set aside

until they can

no longer hold.

The page quickly


you wonder

where I've been.

Have you found

your answer?

Is this the fear that drives me?

hello, how are you?

this fear of being what they are:

at least they are not out on the street, they
are careful to stay indoors, those
pasty mad who sit alone before their tv sets,
their lives full of canned, mutilated laughter.

their ideal neighborhood
of parked cars
of little green lawns
of little homes
the little doors that open and close
as their relatives visit
throughout the holidays
the doors closing
behind the dying who die so slowly
behind the dead who are still alive
in your quiet average neighborhood
of winding streets
of agony
of confusion
of horror
of fear
of ignorance.

a dog standing behind a fence.

a man silent at the window.

- Charles Bukowski

And Then There Was None...

Senseless Flesh

What good are we if we hold the past so tenderly
that we push away the advances of the future?

Will you let this anxiety consume you?

Solitude & Silence embrace all too often when life comes calling.

We are capable of everything we envision ourselves to be.

Do we fear inner space?

Do I wonder? I do wonder...

A Reminder To Myself

Life is a process of constant renewal.
With this constant renewal comes a
sense of loss at what has passed. What
must not be forgotten is not what is
merely behind us, but what yet lays

Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Illusion

like a cheetah in mid-sprint,

it blurs



before you

know it



you by.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Pumping faster and faster,

this pace will not relent.

Temples pounding,

hands quivering,

sweat breaks

then beads

down your






and more


than you


Give it



Thursday, March 11, 2010

Modern Love

Let's not make this

com pli cat ed.

It's easier to say

we aren't

when our bodies

speak a different


It's always so

com pli cat ed

no matter what

we say.


floating on these


like weightless wood,

we ride upon these


on a journey that is

(e (n (d ( l ) e) s) s) .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How It Falls

It falls gently over the sky.

Lights buzz then f l i c k e r o n

across this restless creature.

Its denizens peek through windows

into the eye of Isis. Your gentle hand

over our eyes, putting us to rest.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stray Lines Without A Home

Crime Scene Curriculum.

Your Velveteen Touch.

Your Eyes Shine Through Bright Lights.

Our Silence Consumes Us.

We Will Always Be Apart.

Heart Break Can Be A Great Gift And Lesson In Life.

I Will No Longer Weep For You.

In This Silence We Find Solace.

Your Kiss, Forever Missed.

Eros In Disorder.

Cognitive Function Wrapped Around A Telephone Pole.

(Smells) Like An Angel Wrapped In Bacon.

I Was Selfish With Myself And Your Expectations Of Me.

Eyes Glazed Like A Honeyed Ham.

My Kiss Upon Your Breast.

My Flesh Entering Yours.

A Nudity Only Words Can Accommodate.

Aphorisms For A Party Of Three.

Will You Take This From Me?


Edit (a late addition): Machine Gun Knife Fight

Little Snail

Little Snail,

How easily you come undone

beneathe the weight of our feet.

When I see your kin

smeared across concrete

I can't help but weep

inside, wondering

if it could've

been me.

Monday, March 8, 2010


This story begins

in the middle,

reaches the sunset

and begins again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Inconvenient At Any Time

You tear my throat from the inside out

like a dog scratching at the ground.

My anger rises as I am helpless to

stop what you have wrought against

me. The sun may shine on the out side

but I won't know today because of this.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Rivers flowed from our eyes

as we said goodbye to what

you'd become. Neither dream

nor nightmare, a simple state-

ment of what had come to


Friday, March 5, 2010

Shards Of Glass Glimmering In The Moonlight

She breathes through asphalt
as her skin glistens in the moonlight.

This pendulum has frozen.

What manner of action was this?

Embracing this shared space.

Our lips lock as our consciousness forgets itself.

This grief grows in grey gardens.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Ball Turret Close To Home

They found me buried

halfway into

the refuse,

staring dead-eyed


you heaving

on the street.

Gears ground

to a halt.

We stared into each other.

Cars drove by,

the sun



Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Could you ever imagine this eternal toil?

The task renews itself day by day,

fruitless and endless.

The sun beating down,

the rock rolling back

to whence it came.

It begins again,



Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This caravan cuts through distance

silently through the night. Feet and

paws displace sand so gently as each

step sinks softly. Will this star guide

us north? We follow on faith and

wander until we are found again.

This endless caravan, our lives

forever intertwined.

Monday, March 1, 2010

White Curtains

Soft wind blows through white curtains

as they dance fitfully for me. Wearied,

I rest with my face to heaven. Feathers

nestle my head as I look to God through

the window. Jade colored grass dazzles

the afternoon. I'd almost forgotten the

hand holding my frailty.It encroaches

with every passing moment. The pulse

begins to wane. Your voice singing to me,

your eyes look into mine. It begins to slow

its long labor, the wind rustles the white

curtains once more and, and finally . . .


The corner of the room is

obscured by the weight

surrounding it. Sitting in a

peaceful darkness until

it is disturbed by some stray

arachnid or dust caught in

space. Watching no one

and nothing in particular

it rides out the years in a

silence we can never know.