Saturday, December 31, 2022

At The End

Branches shrouded in early morning mist
Living trees are ghosts
I see them through my window
How does life return 
to their branches
after Winter's embrace?

New Year's Eve

As the hands move across the face
will they cover the eyes
or look at the passing of time

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Ask the Darkness

Burning through the night
Flames on the horizon
You ask the darkness
what next
as it slinks away
until tomorrow

Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Is it a fire or the dawn?

Monday, December 12, 2022

Snow Day

the snow rests
covering everything
within sight
It's warm in here
I still wear 
a sweater
Coffee is ready
and so am I

Thursday, December 8, 2022


Collecting pieces of the present
for future use
Playing it safe for then
I cannot hoard these moments
Trying all the same 
I catch your smile
with my eyes
and let my heart 
hold it close
and closer 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Morning After the News

When the world changes
fundamentally so
we must clear a path
for it within ourselves
Welcome the hardship
the burden that is placed
in our hands
We will not see it
as the gift it is
until at last
the lesson lives 
deeply within

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Strange Friend

The loneliness changes
but persists.
It does not mean to harm.
From the corners of my eyes
I can feel it near.
Time to time
I let it approach
and accept its chilly embrace.
My strange friend
shuttling me through the days
and nights.
How steady the company.
An unexpected need
to push through 
all the years.

Saturday, December 3, 2022


Tree fingers emerging from the night
Dark blue horizon
Ungulate footsteps moving cautiously
A front door opens
A man emerges
taking in a cold morning breath
The newspaper rests 
at the side of the car.
Warmth of home.
How vast the world.
How universal our concerns
as we live sphere within sphere.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Don't dwell on what has been lost

but rather think on what you have to gain.

Monday, November 28, 2022


The story is endless. 

It has always been thus, 

and thus, 

will always be. 

The Trouble with Trouble

The trouble with trouble is that it's always coming by
to say ring the door bell and ask for your time and attention.
They come in, track mud on your clean, white carpet,
which you just had cleaned, and then immediately 
goes to your refrigerator to grab a drink and food
without bothering to ask or say a word.

Trouble doesn't see the big deal. Trouble thinks 
this is perfectly normal. Trouble thinks you need to chill.
You can't. You can't chill, not with that goddamn attitude.
You try and calm yourself down and breathe but that 
will only go so far. The problem isn't you. It's trouble.

You tell trouble to get out. Trouble turns it's head 
and looks at you as if you had just defecated in their coffee.
Just for that, trouble punches your flat screen television
and one of the support screws flies out from the wall.

You've had it! You walk right up to trouble, get in their face
and tell them to get the fuck out of your house! Trouble 
doesn't move right away. It stands there for a minute.

Trouble turns to walk out. They stick their arms out and 
knock everything off your tables and counters. 

They walk out and say, "See you soon."

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Hollows

 There is nothing to fear. He thought about it for a moment. It wasn't the first time he had heard that phrase ,or a variation of it. Why did it come to mind now? It was mid-morning. He was in no rush for anything, and he hadn't had to work in years. When he worked, he would usually get up early, just before dawn most of the time. He enjoyed the smell of coffee spreading from the kitchen. His wife was alive back then. He used to let her sleep in a little so he'd have some time to himself and give her some extra rest. That was all in the past. Her clothes were still in the closet and drawers. He'd never had the strength to get rid of her. Some part of him still wanted to imagine he'd walk into another room and see her. It never happened. He never thought he'd be a widower. 

When Ophelia passed everyone had him in their thoughts and prayers. Everyone wanted him to know that if needed absolutely anything, to just ask. They all meant well. He just wanted her back. He wanted to be left alone. He got that, eventually. People reached out, wanted to be in touch, but he never reached back, and eventually, they stopped altogether.

He looked out the kitchen window and saw that it was shaping up to be a very beautiful day. "Maybe I'll take a walk later", he thought to himself. 

After his simple oatmeal breakfast and tea he sat in their living room to read one of the books he'd checked out from the library. It was a book about an Earth where people had developed a cheap and easy technology that allowed them to travel to parallel Earths that were largely free of people. "Just imagine", he thought, "...if this were real." He knew what would happen if it existed. It would be the Wild West all over again on an unprecedented scale. People and companies racing to lay claim and strip the resources of these worlds for the benefit of this one. That's what we've done. That's what we've always done. 

Ding-dong. The doorbell rang in that classic way that everyone has heard. It was unusual. Jim Grey, the mailman, never rang, even if he had a large package to deliver. He'd just leave it on the doorstep. He never got solicitors, it was too out of the way to be worth their time. Who was it?

He looked through the keyhole. He was just as surprised at who it was as he was at hearing the door bell. It was Melanie. He opened the door and immediately heard her voice for the first time in a few years."Oh my God! Elliot! I'm so happy to see you!" She reached in and hugged him. It took him a few seconds but he put his arms around her and squeezed. 

After he invited her in he fixed her up a cup of Earl Grey tea with a lump of sugar and just a splash of cream, just how she always liked it. He set the cup in front of her. She looked at him and said, "You still remember." He smiled. "Of course I do."

"I'll be honest, Elliot, I didn't think you'd answer. I haven't heard from you in so long. No one has." That simple fact hung in the air. A pause. A declarative. "You know, Mel, when Ophelia passed away I just didn't know what to do. I didn't want anything. I didn't want anyone around. Everyone was so kind but I couldn't deal with everyone else's expectations of my grief." He took a long breath in and let it out slowly. "I didn't mean to shut everyone out the way I did. It just happened. I don't blame anyone for giving up on me." She picked up the cup from the saucer and took a sip. He never ceased to be amazed at the grace in even the smallest things Mel did. It's just how she'd always been as long he had known her. 

"Elliot. Frank died two years ago. I don't know if you'd heard. So yes, I understand." His stomach dropped. Frank had once been one of his best friends. "It was cancer. When the doctors found it it was already at stage four. They told him with treatment he could have another six to eight months. He didn't go for it. He wanted to live out the days he had left at home with me. They gave him medications for the pain and sent him on his way." This was the price of his sorrow. 

"I'm so sorry, Mel." He reached out for her hand and held it in his. She placed her other hand over his. "I've made peace with Frank's passing. The hardest part was getting rid of his old clothes. I donated most of them to the Goodwill. I did keep a few small things for me, like a couple of his favorite hoodies. You know how he would never go anywhere without wearing one of those damn things." She laughed, just a little bit, saying those words out loud. 

"You know, I've never been able to bring myself to get rid of any of Ophelia's clothes. I've left them in the closet and drawers." She looked at him with compassion, "Oh, Elliot". He thought for a moment. "Would you like to see the closet?" She nodded. Ophelia had a keen eye for always picking out clothes that would look great on her. They weren't necessarily expensive designer pieces, though she had a couple, but they fit her well and suited her personality. He led her to the bedroom and opened the walk-in closet. 

Melanie had always admired Ophelia. She did her best to make sure that she and Frank were there for Elliot after she had passed. Elliot eventually let the waves wash him out to sea. 

He watched Mel as she walked into the closet. Her hand fell upon the red dress that Ophelia had worn at the twentieth anniversary party they had thrown for themselves. Mel remembered feeling just a little envious that night as she watched them dancing across the floor. How could someone so happy in their own marriage feel this way?

"If you want to try any of her clothes on you're more than welcome to. She always thought the world of you." His words hung between them. "Are you sure? Wouldn't that be a little weird for you?" He thought for a moment. "Sometimes it feels like I've been living with her ghost longer than she was alive. I know that's not true, but if you want to see if anything fits then you're more than welcome to try anything on. I wouldn't mind seeing a little part of her being around." She nodded at him and he closed the door behind him.

He sat on the couch and picked up yesterday's newspaper. He hadn't finished reading the article about the current state of the public schools in the state. He always admired Mel's beauty. She didn't like to use much make-up, just enough to highlight her features. 

He heard the doorknob turn as the hinges on the door creaked slightly. Her footsteps were light John the hardwood floor. She stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. The dress fit her just so. The corners of his mouth turned up. "You look just as wonderful as Ophelia did when she wore that at our anniversary party." She tugged at her hips. "I feel like I just barely fit into this dress. She had such a great fashion sense. I always admired that about her."

Mel sat down next to Elliot on the couch. "I don't think I've ever stopped mourning her. When I got home from the service I just didn't feel right being alone at home but I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I really didn't want to be a bother to anyone."

"When Frank died I was besides myself with grief. Everywhere I looked he was there. I had to give my grief it's own space. It carved out a space in me. It carved and carved until I felt like a shell. If it had carved anymore I would have collapsed. you know what I did, Elliot? I started to fill that space up bit by bit. I had to keep living. Frank wouldn't have wanted me to mourn forever. He wanted me to keep living. To find new joy. To do more because I could. It was hard. It was so hard. I was crying my eyes out when I bagged up all his clothes and donated them. But I did." 

"If I had known, I would have reached out, Mel. I'm so fucking sorry."

"Don't be. just don't" He could see the rivers of tears that had flowed down her face.

"I wanted to see you because I wanted you to know. I only regret it took me so long to get here. I know you understand."

"I remember the night of our anniversary party she told me how much you loved the dress. I think you should have it. She would have wanted to see it out in the world and not just sitting in the closet."

"You sure?" she said.

"Yes." A wave of silence sat between them. An understanding that needed no language and could fill all the hollows.


A People's History

 He loved finding books. The weight of them in his hands, the way they opened, the delicate pages turned by his hand, or wind. They felt so mysterious as his eyes moved from line to line. Most of the time the pages had become dry and brittle. Occasionally they would flake into the air. A gust of wind touched his worn clothes. He closed his eyes and tried to remember his mother's face. She had been beautiful. Her smile, the memory of it, made him smile. Her voice, what did her voice sound like? It once sang him to sleep. When had he last heard it? He felt a tear forming at the corner of his eye, wanting to escape and weave down the slopes of his cheeks. There were no memories of his father. He let the book fall from his hands. It was no good to him, even if he had known what it said. His stomach rumbled. Soon, it would be insistent. He walked down the cracked and over grown highway, towards a state that no longer existed, in a country that was only a memory. 

Close The Door On The Way In

 The clock on his desk read 9:55a.m. The work day was young and the hours were many. What was it about the work day that made the hours go by so slow? The slowness, was, of course, and illusion. 9:57a.m. stared back. He craned his head and saw everyone else in their cubicles, hunched over, typing, reading emails, talking on the phone, or otherwise pretending to work. He grabbed his chipped red coffee mug and went to the break room. No on noticed him on his walk. He was thankful for that. He walked into the break room and was greeted by beige malaise. The break room table was was a little dirty and had rings of dried coffee on it. The microwave looked like a holdover from the final years of the Cold War. The coffee maker sat next to it. The pot was empty, or course. He found a paper filter and scooped the needed grounds into it. He rinsed off the pitcher next to the sink and used it to fill up the machine. When it was all set, he turned it on and heard the familiar sound of brewing alertness. 

Coffee began to percolate and drip. The smell was always pleasing. When the last drop fell he grabbed the pot by the handle and filled the chipped red mug. He took a small packet of artificial sweetener from his pocket, tore it open, and poured it in. He walked to the fridge and hoped his cartoon of creamer was still there. The fridge was full of lunches. Some in plastic shopping bags, a few in the traditional brown paper bags, and a few in very nice lunch boxes. He grabbed the carton of creamer and saw that it would expire tomorrow. From the weight of it, there was just enough left for this cup. He opened the pointed mouth of the carton and poured it in. He stirred his drink with his right index finger, no sense getting a spoon dirty. 

No one paid any attention to him on the way back to his desk either. Good. Good. He opened an email from the regional director. Production needed to be increased for the impending war time effort. Great. Where would this one be? As soon as the thought passed through his head he realized he didn't care. He hadn't cared in a long time. It was nothing but news stories in places he would never know. He knew people would die directly because of his government, and indirectly because of his work. It wasn't here. It would never be here. They were safe.

"Knock, knock." said Janet from H.R. "Mr. Banks wants to know if you're free after lunch for your quarterly review?' Before he had a chance to answer they heard it. The sound of an explosion tearing through a building. The shudder and shake of an unnatural earthquake. Wordless screaming was everywhere. The next explosion exposed a a blue sky being infected by smoke and debris. He could feel himself falling, the red cup still in his hand.


The Hunter in the Light

 This world has been cruel and unkind. Why is anyone surprised, that we, her children, are very much the same? I have never meant to take, though, I have. It has been a mercy each time. Liberation from suffering. Liberation from need, from want. Utter, utter, freedom.

When I am asked if I dream, I respond that I don't. Why dream when this is the life of my choosing?

In the darkness of the Earth, in the soil, in the cisterns, in the caves, what is hidden lives. It is never eradicated. It digs deeper. It seeks to survive.

I do not hide. I am no coward. I thrive in plain sight. Our decadence is everywhere. I am that decadence writ in flesh. I am the symptom of the disease. 

You have seen me. You know me. I am.  

On Urgency

The day still began early but the urgency
of the routine was gone.
Coffee was still made, shower still taken,
breakfast still made with care.
There was no rush out the door
wearing coat, scarf, and hat,
to get to work on time.
There was no cold walk from car
to the staff lounge and the time clock.
Instead, lazing about, observing the snow,
eating scrambled eggs made with 
a little bit of butter and milk
whisked in to make them into
edible yellow puffs of clouds.
So much needless rush.
What is the alternative,
people ask. Anything we wish 
if we had the conviction
of unrelenting time.
Snow has melted
though some still remains.
How long will the line hold?

Open Door

How long has the door been open?
Had it been a few minutes,
a few hours, days?
Leaves have scattered 
through the living room,
a sparrow at the fireplace.
No harm has come.
Why shut it close?
There are reasons, yes,
there are reasons.
I'll wait, just a little longer,
and close it only when
truly needed.


If I didn't laugh
I couldn't live

My wife reminds me
every day

to not be so serious
to smile   for her

This morning
a dusting of snow

Standing on the deck
in sandals

She takes a picture
Looking away but


Tree Fingers

Every day I must learn 
how to breathe again

Sitting here
Sunlight reaching in

Tree fingers outstretched
in prayer


Waiting for Sunrise

The world is still dreaming
at 5:43 in the morning.
Most don't know just how soon
the dream will end
and the first rays of day
will burst through 
the windows.
Is that frost 
caked outside
or the first snow
of the season?
Waiting for sunrise.
Any moment now.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Box

 The story doesn't begin where you think it should. It begins twelve years ago in the middle of the night during a dream by a boy named Josef. He wakes up at 3:27a.m., disturbed by what he's seen and unable to sleep. He remains awake and sees the sunrise. He writes the dream down on a piece of paper and puts it in the box on the shelf in his closet. He falls asleep for an hour before his mom comes to wake him up. It's Saturday morning. "Wake up, Sleepyhead." His eyes open just enough to see his mother is wearing a green sweater, the same one that once belonged to his Grandmother. "Did you sleep well last night?" He looks toward the closet and his eyes pause there for a moment. "Yes, Mom." That's how it all began.

The years went by and it would feel like he had forgotten all about the dream. In that lull of memory, it would race back like a wave crashing onto the shore. He would close his eyes, focus his breathing, and try to move on. On and on it went this way for many years. The box moved with him when he left his parent's house and went to college in a neighboring state. It would move to his first apartment the city over from his parents at his first real job after graduation. In his thirties he married Marcia. The box moved in, too.

Marcia and Josef had two children, Jane, and Eberly. The girls were as joyous and full of life as they could have hoped for. They had all the usual fears The box, as much as he wished to forget it, he could not. He couldn't bear the thought of his wife and daughters reading the page in the box and destroying everything. The fear grew like the grey hairs in his hair and beard.

The cursed dream had haunted him for most of his life. He had never burdened another soul with the knowledge on the page. 

One week Marcia asked him if it would be ok for her to take the girl's for the weekend to her aunt's house in Brighton. He agreed, but only on the condition he stay home that weekend to work on repairs around the house he'd been meaning to get to. She grudgingly agreed.

That Friday, as Marcia, Jane, and Eberly, were about to leave, he hugged them tighter than usual, told them just how much he loved them. He kissed Marcia with a tenderness she hadn't felt since they first started dating. She looked into his eyes and said, "It's only the weekend. We'll be home before you know it. The girls took turns saying "Bye, Daddy" as he hugged them.

He watched the car drive down the street beneath a sky so deeply orange that it could have been another color.

He slept fitfully that first night and dreamt. In bed, the room dark like a moonless midnight, a crushing weight bore down on his chest. He couldn't breath. He couldn't open his mouth to cry out. He could feel its eyes in the void, gazing down at him, laughing, mocking him in a language no man has heard.

It was a dream. It was a bad dream. It was a very bad dream. That's all it was. He told himself that over and over when he woke up, until he was ready to get out of bed and do the work. 

Marcia called midday to check in. The girls said hi to their Daddy and just how much they missed him at their aunt's house. He told Marcia he loved her. She told him she loved him back. When they got off the phone she could feel a knot growing in her belly. 

Later that Saturday afternoon, after having replaced the burned out bulbs in the recessed lighting, mowed the lawn with old mower, and pulled the weeks, he decided to have lunch on the back deck with a beer and a couple of slices of leftover pizza from two nights ago. The clouds had grown a dark pregnant grey and appeared to be growing darker. After just a couple of minutes, the first heavy drops began to fall with pummeling splats. He went inside and latched the sliding door shut. He turned on the lights in the living room and sat to finish his meal.

It was strange for such a heavy rain to fall. The forecast hadn't said anything about rain. What must have rain been like on a tropical and ancient earth, he wondered? Was it anything like this? 

He wasn't sure if it was the peal of thunder he heard first, or the bolt of lightning scarring the horizon he noticed first. The lights flickered and steadied. "It's ok", he thought, though he had his doubts.

Suddenly, the house shook, and the lights flickered into darkness. He wanted to run, but where? He knew he could not escape. He grabbed the flashlight from the kitchen and went to the garage. He stood before the box, while the sound of the pelting rain filled the world outside. Was it reading his thoughts? His body began to feel electric, the hairs raising all over his skin. Finally, finality.

The firefighters told Marcia it was a million to one shot that the lightning would strike him in the garage. Almost everything had been charred except for a couple of boxes.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Eve of Birth

Following through the darkness
Trust must be the crumbs I follow
Adventure or foolishness
How much of this life is one 
or the other

Startled into consciousness
It is early morning 
I lay my head 
See if sleep still roams

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Wandering down 
to the brown leaves
wishing to rise again
We're carried off
by wind again

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Reading the leaves
Finding phrases
Deciphering meaning

Sunday, October 30, 2022

In Search of Divinity

How can I allow myself to be present
in my own life? I spent too much time
being a ghost to myself, disallowing 
my thoughts to peer beyond the surface
of the water. Being in this place, this 
place that has made me listen to the 
inner voice. It can speak softly, or 
admonish loudly. The depth to which
I understand has grown, yet, it leaves
me so much more aware of how much
I do not know. I strive for self-knowledge.
It cannot be given. It must be taken
through experience. Only then is it
of true worth. I cannot let myself 
live purely in the mind. I must allow
myself to connect and grasp the 
material world in my hands, to feel
the heat, to feel the frost, to know
the extremes we are all subject to.
To live fully is to die actively. 
How much of you remains from 
the infant your mother knew?
In body the change has been startling.
In mind, is it more so? 
I know we must undergo the process
of the chrysalis, over and over.
It has always been so. How much
have you fought this in your time?
How much have you embraced it?
We bear the scars of change and
carry them with us eternally.
Do you know just how much love
has been given to you? How much
of this love have you given to others?
All of it, all of it, all of it, this
should be the answer. I must give
myself fully, to those I love,
to all my sisters and brothers.
One. Wholly one. Holy one.

We cannot be part of this world
if we do not allow ourselves to escape from it.


To exist beyond this body
and this life
is a certainty.

How can this be so?
You ask.

Can you not feel
the truth of it
in your dreams?

Can you not see
the truth of it
in the world?

Life beyond life.
Existence beyond
the known.
Light shinning 
through the dark.

All of Her

Holding them in our hands,
neatly cut, well printed
photographs of moments,
and people now gone.
Here we are at our wedding.
Just you and I, your father,
and the judge at the town hall.
Here we are standing
in front of your parents house.
Here we are at the rehab center
visiting your mother 
right after we married.
She looked so overjoyed.
Even now, sitting at the table,
I can see her here, 
across from me, lighting up,
smiling, singing, 
making me laugh
and her herself as well.
Do you understand
how much of herself
lives on in you?

Saturday, October 29, 2022


The stories are endless and never ending.
Lines converging and diverging,
rivers running to the ocean,
everything in union.

How much the Moon has seen.
How much the Sun has lived.

Liquid, ice, vapor,
and the state 
no one thinks about.

Another Time, Another Place

Morning frost 
by the moment
as the sun awakens.

Change of state,
proof of reincarnation.

When will we be again?

The Waves

When will this feeling change?
It always changes.
Remember all the different waves
falling upon the shore
and dissipating all the same.

From Here I Watch

Shrouded in the darkness
between light,
dreaming, waking,
dreaming, waking,
walking through 
the stillness
of early morning.
The sky turns
a dark blue,
clearing so gradually,
until at last
all can be seen. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

La Bruja Blanca

Drown all my fears
beneath the water,
watch them sink
to the ocean floor,
live among the coral.

From the shore
the hidden world is lost,
nothing but tides
to be seen
going in and out.

I whisper all hopes,
call the dreams,
speak them into being.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Do we become ghosts
and disappear
from each other's lives?
Or do we linger
and haunt each other
at the fringes 
of memory?

Sleeping In

Remember ten, fifteen years ago,
when working at ten in the morning
seemed too arduous a task?
Back when your nights 
were a different life
and lived to 
absurd extremes?
Now, waking at six am
is sleeping in 
on a lazy Saturday
or Sunday morning.
When we are ready 
to change, to live
a different life,
we do, and there will be
nothing anyone can
say or do to change it.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Northeast Morning

Light bursts through limbs
smeared with browns,
amber, and ochre.
Thank you
for reaching out
and reminding me
of now.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Moving through
the early morning

It pauses 
Looks around

Takes a breath
Keeps moving

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Palms to the Heavens

I fought hard 
for many years
to keep my life 
as it was.
I gripped it 
so hard.
I was scared, 
so scared,
to lose 
the little I had.

And just like that
I began to loosen 
my grip.
One by one,
my fingers relaxed 
and let my palms
face the sky.

I am learning still.


When I write I am hearing these words, 
silently, in my own voice. Your experience
may vary, depending on whether or not
you know what my voice sounds like.
In the grand scheme of things it doesn't
matter what the timbre of my voice is,
merely that these words exist, proof
of my existence for those who happen
upon this message. How strange, how 
beautiful to be able to reach out to one 
another, for just a moment, to hold it 
between us, to feel the distance close, 
to have this nearness.

We Are Here

The little things 
are numerous and many.

Their size belies
their importance.

In younger days
everything needed to be


There is still a place
for that 

but in the cracks
exists so much beauty

that we otherwise

A picture sent
from old friends,

a hello, a birthday

to acknowledge
we are still here

in this season 
of falling leaves.
An eternal kiss
Sea and Shore
Bound effortlessly

Where The Night Ends

I wonder to myself 
where the deer roam
before the dawn.

I look to the trees and 
hillside, seeing and 
hearing nothing.

They roam in quiet,
far from any 
unwanted glances.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


She breathes and changes
and breathes
over and over.

She changes colors
in unceasing 

Geese land 
on the lake.

Ripples to
the shore.

Friday, October 14, 2022

I can forgive so I do
and I will as often
as I can to make things
right and have a better day
Just the two of us Dear

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Our Mother

The Earth has forgotten 
more than we'll ever know.
She tends to all her children
but only we have remade her
in our own image.
Mother, we are but children.
Forgive our immaturity.
Bring us into the light of the Sun.
How good to know
we'll see each other 
and cross the distances
of time

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Learning to Run

If you love me don't be afraid 
to speak the truth
I will do the same for you

If you are unhappy 
the location 
will not change that

If you truly want to change
you must sacrifice
something for it

You cannot walk
without taking
a first step

you will run

We live with our choices
and actions
We alone bear 
the consequences
Make good choices
Do good actions
How to know
what is good
Look inward

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Practice honesty with yourself
if you hope to be honest with others.

Eternal Life

The leaves are dying as 
they watch the ground grow near

From a cold winter
they emerge once more

Into Being

Every word
Every thought
Every choice
Every action
creates the story
creates the plot
sets the scene
for what is to be
Think well
the words 
you call 
into being

Shanti Om

Everything was falling apart within me
I knew it and floundered even further
For a time I found respite 
Sheltered in the warmth 
of Alice's faith
I was able to keep going
to keep living for a while longer
Eventually I had to leave
the difficulties of my old ways 
Alice helped me begin the journey
Listening to her voice 
I can remember the beauty
and healing I felt
I have gone so much farther 
than I could have imagined
How grateful I am to be here
How grateful I am to be

Friday, October 7, 2022

Five-Fifteen A.M.

This early hour
Dawn has yet to yawn
Yet I am awake
with you
Who would
have guessed

I wake and 
watch you 
sleeping peacefully
and think
to myself
how beautiful
you are
how lucky
I am

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The feelings wash over me
As if I'd been knocked over
By a wave at the beach
And lost a pair of new glasses

Thursday, September 29, 2022

This is just life
We are so much the same
Though we may be 
separated by distance
and the passing of time
We are so much the same
even with different scenery

Sunday, September 25, 2022


You wait for inspiration as if she were
a rare bird in flight
She is a pigeon appearing
in the park 
coming close
waiting for you
to notice

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Living On

You never know just what
will outlive you
It might be 
a kind word said
a gesture of caring
a passing glance
a moment of quiet calm
They pile up behind you
in the memories 
of those who love you
To be remembered 
when absolutely

Friday, September 23, 2022

Early Autumn Chill

Stepping into a chill
this early autumn morning
Even the birds are quiet
as we adjust 
to the coming change

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Zwei Studien Fur Sclaginstrumente by Giselher Klebe

Write something normal and mundane.
Today is the first day of fall.
It rained early in the morning
and stopped midday.
I finished another day of training
for a new job I'll be starting
after another week of training.
So this is how it's going to be
in this new place,
with this new life,
for however long it'll be.
For now I sit 
and write a few more words
while listening to a piece 
of classical music
written for percussion
by the modern 
German composer
who now is
in his grave.

Friday, September 16, 2022


Bring me into your grief
as the flower invites the bee
This holy space
will turn us into prophets
The bush is burning
It speaks
Exclaim this new truth
A testament 
as old as our kind
rewritten every day
through tears
and heartache
binding us

Thursday, September 15, 2022


yes straining
yes breathe
try to breathe
gulp through
your mouth
breathe it
suck it
into us

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


I was so young then
I still am now
so many years later

Sunday, September 11, 2022


My father has always said
if you have your health
you have everything.
I see the wholesale truth of it.
It's true. If you are young
there is no need to believe
the majesty of you will 
ever grow ill or infirm.
I wake up in the morning
greeted by the birds and
the stillness of nature.
Last night it rained.
I'll have my coffee.
In the shower
I'll feel gratitude
at the warm water
rushing over me
Life, yes, life.
To be here,
I'll never not marvel
at this moment,
this gift.


Everything becomes simpler 
as time goes on
You are forced to let go
of notions 
you once clung to 
with a vicious grip
How much further 
must I go 
How much more
most I let go
There is only 
one answer

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Ready, never ready.
Always as ready
as you'll ever be.
Where is trust?
Hiding behind fear.
I am no Seer.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Green begins to brown
Imperceptible change
becomes a towering wave
A familiar landscape
rendered unrecognizable
Everything can begin anew

shadow morning

The world is shadowed
I wake to darkness
and rain.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Letter to Fred

I just wanted to let you know
those two pairs of marching band sticks
are sitting on top of the upright piano
in New York at my Father-in-Law's house.

He asked if there was a reason they 
were so thick. I explained the taper of the
shoulder and the high tension marching
drums are tuned to.

I told him who you were and that Brian 
was the one who invited to his storage unit
to take any of your gear I wanted.

I just wanted you to know, Fred.


Standing here
Feet sinking into earth

Ground hardens around me
Am I to blame

The trees are breathing again

Monday, August 29, 2022

Will The Suffering Be Worth The Sacrifice

You turned the page and it was blank.

Memory is a glass flower
sitting on a ledge.

A strong wind blows.

What will survive?

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Slow Dance at the End of the World

Cradling my head in your hands
Wind calling names
Humming to me 
We move back and forth
The moon
a cracked egg
Her dragons
finally free

Friday, August 26, 2022

That Which Persists

Light spreading thick and evenly 
over lush green canopy
Cautiously gauging every step
deer peer through trunks and branches
Grazing leisurely as though
death were a distant hunter
Red Robin looks this way
and that- finally flies away
A small fire cooks the food
for the breaking of the fast
Grandmother is always awake
before the dawn
Grandfather is already walking
home with a cord of wood
slung onto his back
Grandchildren dreaming
until the Sandman 
gives them their leave

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

New Continents in the Old World

faint glow of light
lining the edge of the horizon
how far out can you see

bluebird emerging 
from its nest

will you greet me
at dusk

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Humane Money

When has money
ever been the answer
to any real problem

No one talks about
how greedy and selfish 
some of us are

They are a small minority
but have caused so much
hardship for the rest

There is enough food
There is enough shelter
There are enough resources

The need to monetize
the necessary makes us
less humane than we think

Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Poem

This isn't fiction, this is a poem.
There is a difference.
This poem is unlike many other poems,
it is also very similar to many other poems.
It is here as a small bit of entertainment.
A temporary relief from life,
a moment of contemplation,
an exploration of beauty, mortality,
and the human condition.
This poem is deadly serious.
This poem is mildly non-sensical,
This poem is self-reflective,
possibly even self-reflexive.
This poem in an exploration of expectation.
This poem is being written
late in the morning.
What is this making you think?
Has this been humorous?
Has this been serious?
Has this been in play?
Have you put the page down?
Why not?


My voice is older than your species.
I speak in a tongue without words.
You can hear me in the rushes of water,
in the fluttering of leaves, in the geologic
silence of the desert heat. I speak and
I wait. I listen and sit, waiting for the 
epochs to pass. Omniscient. I am no god.
I am everything. I am nothing. 
I pervade all. I am all. I can feel
the beating of the deers heart.
I can feel your lungs rising and falling.
I feel the bee landing on the yellow petal.

We are. Yes, we are. 
Body. Organs. Cells.
Separate. United. Whole.

We Sailors

A ship cannot 
achieve it's goal

if left moored.
Pull up anchor.

Free yourself
from the dock.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Rain Approaches

Grey clouds hang heavily.
Rainfall approaches.
The day will be 
what it will be.
Close the doors
and windows.
Sit down
and open
the book
to the page
you last read.
A new world waits.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Temple in the Jungle

You have to live with yourself.
You have to live with everything you've done
and with everything you'll do.
I feared myself for too long.
I let the shame of my actions grow tendrils
deeper in my mind over the years.
I watered the soil every day.
Soon, the temple was overrun by jungle.
I lost my way. No one could find me.
Finally, I began screaming for help.
This wasn't where I wanted to be.
I reached out into the darkness
and she grasped my hand.
Waking days later,
still trembling but alive.
I am here.
So many days I should have died
and I persisted.
I must go on.


I think of you more often than you know.
Missing what's no longer mine
I'm consumed.

Where are the waves?
Standing on a dead shore
wondering about the moon above.

Choice is a prison.
Pick wisely.

the birds can hear me
they turn and then fly away
summer burns through me

The Astronaut

How would you live your life if
it were free from worry,
free from the responsibilities
which bind you, 
free from yourself?

I have been waking from my sleep
and rediscovering 
small pieces of myself.
They no longer fit the image
they once created. 
Yet I recognize myself 
in them all the same.

How is it possible to live
so many lives in the span
of this gift we have been given?

How can the child and the man
be the same? 
Shared memories tethering
one age to the next.
What is carried, 
what is left behind?

I am an astronaut
adrift in space.
Starlight calling me.
The ship has gone.
Everywhere is home.
I close my eyes
and feel infinity filling me.

Monday, August 15, 2022

small reminder to you

Wake up first thing in the morning and
remind yourself how great it is to be
here once again and give everything
another chance.

You may not always feel that way but
think it, or say it, anyway. If all your 
loved ones are doing well, give thanks
for that as well, especially.

Sunday, August 14, 2022


My grandmother's lined face is smiling.
She's holding a dog in her arms and
is holding it up to the camera.

My grandfather's tired body is standing 
as upright as he can manage with the 
walker and counter in front of him.

My mother sent me these photos of them
last night after I was already asleep.
At times like these I feel as though

they could live forever.

Saturday, August 13, 2022


Every ghost will live again
Don't wait for prophecy to come true 

Years are meaningless
Change is everything

The pain destroys me
rebuilds me over and over

Endure and survive
Survive and build anew

Don't wait for the starting gun
Just run run run

Broken Compass

The oozing stain of time
won't leave me clean
Put it in the wash
but it'll never be the same
Drifting through 
nights and back
to days again
The same old sights
are always new
with these old eyes
Hello dear 
how are you
How's the family
How's the kids
How's everything been
Precious time running 
a four minute mile
How are we aging 
backwards in old photos
Possibility still looms
Choices carry more 
weight than before
I wonder about 
even more than before
Remind me to breathe
I'm too forgetful

Friday, August 12, 2022

For Kristen and Emily

I want you to know in all ways
just how loved and missed you are.

The distance that divides us 
is merely land.

There will be greater distances
one day, but not today.

I am thinking of what 
I should say.

Be good, be kind, 
to yourselves and others

in all ways.
It won't be easy but try.

There will be days and nights
that will cause you to think

you should give up.
The darkness will bathe you

at those times.
Bear it, endure it, 

and let it mold you
into someone 

stronger and wiser.
Your strength

will be revealed to you
in this way.

Strive for perfection
but know none of us

can ever fully attain it.
It's ok to not be perfect.

Learn to be yourselves.
Wear different guises

at different times.
Some will stick,

some won't but that's ok.
You're loved no matter what.

Don't allow yourselves to hate
without depth.

Your time and energy 
is too precious to waste

on such negativity.
In place of anger or hatred

create art, or involve yourselves
in helping others.

Push back the darkness
with kindness and creativity.

If it feels hopeless 
do it all the same.

You are the beacon of light
for yourselves and others.

Learn every day.
To learn and educate yourselves

is far more than merely
what we are taught in school.

Observe others. Learn from their mistakes.
Make your own mistakes and learn from them.

Let no moment be wasted.
Allow yourselves to fully inhabit the present.

What does that mean?
Listen. See. Hear. 

Every moment is a gift.
Every moment is the only moment.

If the past haunts you
know it has passed.

If the future troubles you
know it is not yet here.

If the present troubles you
know that it will pass.

Always prepare but know
that everything and everyone

is subject to change without notice.
Be able to adjust at a moment's notice.

Some of life's greatest adventures
will begin in this way.

Know that not everything 
will be known to you.

Allow for mystery and wonder
to be part of your life.

Go to the beach, close your eyes,
and listen to the waves.

Go to the forest, close your eyes,
and listen to the wind in the trees.

Go to the desert, close your eyes,
and listen.

Those who loved you most dearly
when you were born

will most likely not be the same
as those who love you

when we meet on the other shore.
Learn to let things go.

Learn that holding on 
can be the thing that hurts us most.

Laugh every day. Laugh the kind
of laughter that makes you gasp for air.

Remember that so much of life is play.
Be joyful.

Take only what you need.
Give the rest away.

Be kind.
Be kind.

Be kind.
I love you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

El Dios de Lluvia

My cup overflows
I lap the water 
from the table top

too precious
to waste

What did 
used to say

Remember your 
bringing water

up from the well
by bucket

Unrelenting sun
Eight children
to feed

Her husband 
in the fields

the old God
gifting rain


How do we remember
How do we recall
the hours of the days
too far gone
to remember
the color of the sky

How it felt
How it feels still
to have those moments
live again
behind our eyes

How lucky
How fortunate
to have felt 
the love
the joy
given to us

Even now
in tears
I am humbled


Enchant me with your voice,
words escaping lips
sailing upon
invisible tides
from shore to shore

Where do the leaves 
fall in order to rest
or be cast onto the air

My heart untethered

searching for home
finding only love

knowing and feeling

What kingdom
What throne
do I sit upon?

From City to Forest

I could feel the tension in my body
as we moved through our days in the city.
Managing my unease to keep going
was enough to leave me exhausted.
Coming home to our bed, to our 
place of comfort, surrounded by green
leaves, deer, and lakes, gives my soul
the peace of mind I need now.
I ask myself if this is a necessary 
time of rest and contemplation 
as the gears turn towards the next
phase of being. Does everyone 
do this? When does this hit for them?
I suppose the answer is yes and
it depends. Am I the audience
watching reruns late at night,
talking over old story lines
and wondering what it all meant?
With every question answered
two more appear. With every problem
solved another comes into view.
This is life. This is how it is,
how it has always been. Do I think
myself special? I want to but history
bears out a different answer. 
This body, this mind, living in and 
out of balance, knowing pleasure 
and pain, knowing the sweet 
and bitter. My words are no more
than trite attempt at facsimile 
of what is unrepeatable. 
I want my love to grow.
I want to spread understanding.
There is never enough time
but there is still time.
In these days of endless winter
I comfort myself thinking of 
the summers of my youth.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Clenched Jaw

I can't help it sometimes
the way I tense and clench my jaw.
I'll notice it every now and then
and tell myself to relax, 
to ease up on it.
Most of the time it helps.
Other times I have to open
my mouth wide and
take a gulp of air.
I've gotten better
in a lot of ways
but there are others
I'll always be working on.
There is no journey 
in this poem,
it is barely even a poem, 
but I had to tell you
and I had to tell myself 
this right now.
Be kind to yourself.
You're all you've got.

Monday, August 1, 2022


If I don't tell myself to breathe
sometimes I'll forget
Keep breathing
Keep moving
It's what I have to do
to survive
to make it through this
Can't speed up time
Just live it
day by day

Fall Approaches

I want something mindless to pass the time
It's too easy to do this in all ways
Daunted by choice 
I choose mindless something's 
day by day until I can look in the mirror
Do myself proud I tell myself 
Summer is fading 
I can feel the chill of fall
coming on

Sunday, July 31, 2022


Overwhelm yourself with choice
Laugh at the absurdity of habit
Break through the wall
Don't wait for the dust to settle
Run through the breach
Make way for what is to come 

The Fool

Immovable choice
Cower in fear 
Victim of your own mind
Feeding possibility
Denying action
This fear will cast your fate
Grab the torch
Set out in darkness

Eternal You

Of all the lives I've lived 
your face is the one I still remember
Through passing centuries
your voice still haunts me
Left with only memory
I relived those moments
until they became a story 
I can hardly believe
People wonder if such a tale
could ever be real
I cannot let them know
You live on as myth eternal

The Poetics of Savagery

I'm not used to living in the future.
It's a strange feeling always being 
just farther enough ahead of everyone else
to have to think of when and how to reach out.
It's a modern problem of communication.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Put it down and Pick it up

Don't live out your drunken author fantasy.
Broken lives, shattered hearts,
enough alcohol to kill you 
or force you into grateful sobriety.
Do you want the fame or infamy
of those scoundrels and ne'er do wells?
Of course you do
but no amount of drinking 
is going to make you talented.
You have it or you don't.
If you don't 
you can always 
work your fucking ass off.
It doesn't guarantee anything
but at least you'll go down swinging.
Perhaps your estate may be posthumously
swimming in funds you lacked in life.
Pay your dues.
Be humble regardless of any success.
You're no different than
the kid ripping tickets 
at the movie theater.
We're all the same stuff.
I can't stop you,
and honestly, even if I could,
I'd let you drink yourself to death.
Use that free will of yours.
Put down some words on the page.
You'll feel better when you do.
Put down that bottle.
You'll feel better when you do. 

Be Your Own Master

Take the reins with a firm hand.
Let the horses know your strength.
Dust will be your wake.
Dawn to sunrise,
chase the horizon.
Grasp for it.

Her Cabin

I saw the rain drop upon the lake.
Her father said we should eat inside.
We took the chicken and corn
off the hot coals and placed them
on the wooden table. He had once 
told me that it was a hundred years old.
The people who built the cabin 
had made it. Looking at the dark
and sturdy wood made it apparent.
She placed the plates and cutlery
down and I set the corn and chicken
at each setting. We sat to eat.
Flowers on the table. Colorful bits
of pottery, plates, and knick-knacks,
all decorating the cabin. She wasn't 
here. Yet she is. Eternally.

Friday, July 29, 2022


I vaguely remember my childhood.
The rush of the city, cars, 
voices in many tongues.
Every convenience a given.
Our lives were of impatience
at that which was not immediate.
It was sudden and quick.
I have forgot my age
but I can feel it in my hands,
see it in the strands of grey.
Concrete overgrown by green.
We resist our nature
as we are subsumed.

The Whip

Do not gorge in front of them
Do not let them know of your hunger

Masters will exploit those
who know famine and scarcity

I know you hunger
Do not let your belly burst

Majestic wings
Child of Joseph

Landing on the petals
Drink deeply

Children of the Earth
Only one knows the whip

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Without A Trace

I haven't forgotten the feel of the bar,
the stool, the countertop, the glass of whiskey,
the stubby brown bottle of shit beer.

It's carved into my memory of that time-
remaining clear as an empty tumbler

with a splash of melted ice.

The games are still playing on the tv,
the regulars still sit at their stools. 

Everyone still bitching 
about work and politicians.
Those goddamn bastards.

Who cares about memory
when there's no trace

of the day before.

The Mirror Becomes The Door

Don't be useless to yourself
Even if others have given up on you
Be of use to yourself
Face that bathroom mirror
Look into those aging eyes
That lined face
That greying hair
Ball those fingers into a fist
Grasp what there is to grasp
Take it
Take it
No one can give it to you
Open the front door

Old Crow / Well Whiskey

I don't want to hear 
all the beautiful
flowery language
used to describe

the beauty of life
the brevity of it all
the precious time
  we have left

Give it to me straight
like a shot of whiskey

brown and mean
and burning

my throat
into a rasp

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Ray is dead and he has been for years.
Gravy. He called the last few years 
gravy. He was Good Ray in those 
gravy years. Not the bad Ray that 
burned his life down over and over.
The Ray that needed a drink first thing
in the morning, the Ray who cut stories
past bone down to fatty marrow.
Ray knew the sourness one can inflict
in this life. That gravy was sweeter 
than any sourness ever was. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Sacrifice

I cannot let myself believe she has become
what I have seen her become.

How can I stand up to the murderous evil
that flows through her?

If I deny the reality of her I am a deluded
fool who will fail.

To save her I must end her and accept 
that is my fate as well.

Princess, why did this path rise up
towards us?

The Orphan

Days of the week, months, years, 
these are things that no longer matter
much to me. I had to let them go 
when I let go of my name. Faces,
voices, laughs, are distant memories.
Feral in appearance, I struggle to 
keep my mind together enough
to remember I was one of many 
of our kind who lived. The tried
earth carries on, though, it is weary.
Everywhere I walk I enter into 
another cemetery. Water tastes so
sweet when it touches my lips.
I was an ungrateful child. All of us
were. I rest in the shade of a tree. 
The heat becomes waves I can see.
I feel the wind touch me. Go further,
Child. You must. Yes, I must.


Out of time 
Floating in limbic space
Do not grasp what you cannot hold

The heated eye of Ra
gazing down
and consuming all

Scorched earth
Bleeding soil
When does the scar emerge

Breathe in deeply
with eyes closed and release
when ready

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Open Hand

I am remembering a beautiful place
that no longer exists
yet I carry it 
with me

A pond filled with life
Trees as regal as any royalty 

What is it I have taken
that I now hold?

Even then 
I could never grasp it
in my fists

Surrender the Chrysalis

Know the tides will come in and out
That is their nature.
Know that your tides will do likewise.

What memory comes to mind?

Was it being a child
and losing a tooth?

Is it sitting in the ashram-
a visitor looking for the path?

What must be surrendered?

A caterpillar can never stay as such.

Holding Open

There is respite 
in the places where comfort
has been found before.

Go when you need it
and as often as you like.

Don't be afraid 
of diluting its power.

What are you listening for?
It is there.

What are you looking for?
It is there.

Have you closed your eyes
and looked behind 
the irises?

Open your hands.
Here is your sign.

One Day of Struggle

This is the problem with being sober-
you feel everything.
There is no substance to be ingested
to elevate or subdue
the rising tide within 
the heart and mind
Simply an OS and the body
I miss the excess
and the feeling 
of artificial light 
raging through me-
pushing me through 
darkness and light alike
I run unassisted
except for those I lean on
when I feel the brakes
doing their work
I am still learning
to be myself again
in a new place
that might as well be
a continent never seen by man
I change my mind-
I don't miss the excess

The Beach in the Forest

A wave crashing down upon my heart
Washing over my mind
Flowing through my eyes
and down upon my cheeks

I listen to it over and again
Hearing wind through trees
Seeing water lapping sand

Another wave crashing
More water flowing

Rivers surrounding

my eyes

Approaching Natural Rhythm

to wake 
and not rush

natural rhythm
of rest 

in your eyes



Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Sometimes I forget
I am living in the future
by three hours

It's not much different
except when it comes
to how early or late

it is for my family
and friends

Please remind yourself
that when everything
is ripped apart

allow time for healing
Don't rush through it
Let it all come back 

scarred but whole

Monday, July 18, 2022

Summer Rain

Blue towel drenched in rain
Drizzle and pour
Drizzle and pour
Is she still watching us
from her place at the table
I sit here now
from where 
she sang

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


summer days

boxes filling up

things given away

whirring back and forth

tear apart the old

throw it away

take the rubbish to the bin

only take what serves you

Monday, June 20, 2022

accruing motion

how does one move forward
and still feel no motion

there is always motion

at times imperceptible

but always there

at the accrual of days

Saturday, June 18, 2022


Squeeze the lime 
with a firm grip.

Pulp tears and 
tears flow down

Until at last 
the pulp is exhausted

Firsts and Lasts

How many firsts have you lived 
How many remain
How many lasts have you lived
How many remain
It is not for us to know
It is only for us to live

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

finite commodity

precious precious precious

what could it be

what matters most

what is always 

         in diminishing supply

what's ticking away

what's falling away

            by second 

         by grain

Tuesday, June 7, 2022








common time

settling down

the sink's throat





ticking clock

mind the drip

watch the face

to know 

what you know

Sunday, June 5, 2022

For K., at Seven Years Old

I want to tell you that it's ok,
you won't be in school forever.
That someday you won't want
your mom with you all the time.
Your voice is all I needed to hear
to know the sadness inside.
So young, so sensitive to the world,
I will guard you to the end of my life.
Dearest K, you have already set
the world alight, if only you could see.
I see it in all you are, My Dear One.

These Days of Healing

Cut flesh stitched
back together.
There is no healing
without pain.
What is gone
reveals the path.
Living in this body-
all pain and joy.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

This / That

waiting will kill you

if indecisiveness

doesn't get you first


incarnate flesh

subatomic consciousness

illusory solidity

neural pathways

creating thought

infinite wind

cresting waves 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

For Maggie

There is a silence 
sitting between us 

It is not growing
or diminishing

It is simply being

That space
is where you 

once were

The Wait

I have been here so long
in this space between
Wondering when 
the time would come
Who would be here
Beautiful and peaceful
Serenity a bountiful harvest
In dark skies the Moon
lights my way
Her kind face looking down

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Because I Love You

How can you be sure that everyone
knows you love them?
Tell them over and over
and in as many ways as possible
so that they cannot possibly
misunderstand that, yes, even
these words are for you.
Even now, it is my voice 
living in your heart,
right where I always wish to be.


Pry my body open
and consume my flesh
in one messy 
slurping gulp.

Yes, Love.

I wake up from dreams
remembering nothing but the future
but it all burns away
with the touch of daylight.

So many faces with earnest eyes
now live behind me
with just a few 
still keeping my attention.

What binds this body
and mind together
after the hammer has fallen
upon the glass pane?

One word which contains

Heavenly Bodies

How slowly we move 
some mornings.

How quickly 
the moments pass.

How slowly 
we savor the taste.

What lessons 
are to be found

in the passing 
of heavenly bodies

through light
and darkness?

Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Bell

When you stop running
you can see everything clearly
as it is meant to be.

Rest your heart,
slow your breath.

How quickly the birds 
fly from tree to tree.
How quickly they rest.

A bell struck

Monday, April 25, 2022


Broken teeth
Bloody mouth
You can get used
to almost

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Without End

Forever would never be enough
for any person

Endless days and nights
What would be the reason 

for anything at all

Tied to the wheel 
of nature's ceaseless turning

Epochs would pass
as tides smooth down stones

sand multiplying on the shore

Precious years would be brown
leaves trampled underfoot

Death of all yet life continuing
without cessation 

Ultimate meaning or ultimate void

No rhyming couplet to make sense
of existence without reason

First Light Through the Trees

No matter the night
No matter the dreams
No matter the nightmares
No matter the tossing
No matter the turning
No matter the arguments
No matter the restlessness
No matter the anxiety
No matter the worry
                 the dawn 
                       is always 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Spring chirps it's presence 
Bare branches coming to life
Winter sleeps once more

Green Tea Classic

Green tea bag tied around 
the handle of the empty cup

Space longing for a tide
of hot water 

Ecstatic rush against
colored porcelain

Buoyancy as green colors
the water bit by bit

Steeped in process
Lips waiting in expectancy


Ambition is fine
but be careful-
from time to time
it will whisper words
that will plunge you
deeper and deeper
into a realm of excess.
You may not realize
the toll being taken
but it is being extracted.
Pull yourself up
before you fall too deep.
Perpetual discontent
is no way to live happily.
A man with enough
is grateful for the blessings
of the ordinary.

Sunday, April 3, 2022


Every day the phone rings
and I hear your voice.
A continent divides us
but your words
are breathed into my ears.
How have we borne 
this separation
and survived?
That which binds us
holds us gentle and firmly.
What shall be first?
A kiss or embrace?
Will it be both at once?
A journey beginning anew.
Certainty in an uncertain world.

Between Words

I listen to Leonard sing and talk.
He always knew how to say 
what needed to be said.
I listen as closely as I can 
to decode what more can be found
in the spaces between words 
and punctuation. 
Is that what he wanted?
Can everything be found
in what is already there?

Ocean and Earth

The tides are welling up within me-
searching for a place to break through.
Any crack, any open space will do.
I am ocean and earth.
I am wind cresting over the waves
and running through the leaves.
How can I be everything?
Everything is me and it has
always been so.

Cinema Verite

Start the morning with coffee and cake.
Sit down and find the words clinging
to the edges of consciousness, waiting 
their turn to organize the chaos of being.

Traipse through fond recollection and 
not so reliable memory. Scene missing.
Blurred scenes. Plot points vague and
uncertain. How much time was that?

The camera lens is fixed on one position.
The weather is clear, the sun is lighting
enough for the scene. Action. One 
continuous take. Just this moment.

Memorial Cinema

We who touched each other 
as preciously as fine china,
as roughly as clothes tossed
carelessly into a dirty hamper.

What of us, what of then,
movies in the cinema of the mind,
hearts still racing at what has gone,
a story with firm conclusion.


When the faces have gone 
all that's left is memory
staining the paper 
of the books, 
collecting dust unseen
sitting on seldom
traveled shelves.

Your face between pages,
my eyes struggling 
to see us as we were then.

The Living

That which does not change does not live.
How do passing seasons 
know when to end-
to begin?

What consciousness permeates
existence beyond 
the observable?

Night approaches-
stars dotting darkness- 
light traveling through vastness. 

Wind rustles the leaves,
unseen sun brightens other lands.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sincerity and Conquest

Too many men,
and it's almost always men, 
have wasted too many lives,
too many words,
trying to conquer
that which is unconquerable,
that which can only be held
temporarily by force.
They all forget one crucial 
point, the words 
that actually rule the world,
I love you.
pregnant grey clouds burst
quenching thirst of a parched land
everything will bloom

Growing Closer

One day, one night at a time,
these hours fade into one another,
a pastel smear of time blended
into a new color on the palette.

Dearest, we have endured this
separation, each moment brings us
so much closer to embracing,
exchanging vows.

Give me rest, give me peace of mind,
your body pressed next to mine,
your head upon my chest.

Younger Days

Hard living youth 
is how I describe 
the last twenty years
of my life.

Certainly, I didn't live
as dangerously as others
but there is so much more
I could have been.

There is no time for regret.
There is only now.
How wondrous 
to be here still!

These words are not as poetic
as one would wish
but they are as honest
as I can be right now.

Not every poem needs
to change the world.
Some are content 
to just be.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

It Is Yours

Make the best of this time
because the sky shines for you
the rain falls for you
the flowers bloom for you
because you are living for you
because you are part of this whole
and this world is greater with you
Don't be afraid
Move through this world
for it is yours

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Giving Thanks

You said you didn't want to go
That you didn't want to lose me
I held you close and said don't go
Stay here with me
You ended up leaving
Found a love
A new life
New adventures
A daughter
What happened to me
I stayed
Wondered how you were
Lived my life
Drifted in my work
Found love
Hit bottom
Am alive enough now
to be thankful for everything

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Morning Meditation

Making plans
one word at a time 

Creating a future
from air

Breathe in

Hold it

Breathe out

Wind through leaves

Water lapping the shore

Is it one or the other



Doesn't matter

Let go

Saturday, March 12, 2022


I've got a curse for you
Cast these words from my tongue
A hex
A hex
on you
You're done
but we're not through
I've got a curse
on you

Don't Pay

I pay no attention to my attention
It can't grab me anymore
I won't let it
I won't let me
Dwell on anything
Just now
Just what
is passing through
on my way
to take this nap
I pay no attention
to anything anymore
This world
has grabbed me 
too many times
to let me watch 
the scenes before me