Tuesday, March 30, 2021

It Might As Well Be Spring

Chirp chirp

    Chirp chirp

I take a sip of tea

Chirp chirp

I turn my head 
and see nothing

A moment passes

Chirp chirp

I walk to the window

Bare tree branches


I see her

Twig in beak

Moving branch

to branch

Chirp chirp

   Chirp chirp  

Monday, March 29, 2021

A Little Bit

Hold on to that bit of sanity

hanging back there in the closet

You never know when

you will need it

but you will

and you will be 

very glad 

you have it 

when the time comes

Moment Remembered

Old family pictures frame memories
I don't remember living.

Sky blue 1982 Monte Carlo was
the family car 

                       when I was growing up. 

Sitting on the trunk of the car in jeans 
and a long sleeve button up shirt

while my father wears a tank top 
that matches the car

as he leans into me and rests 
his right arm.

We could never be that young

A Bore

I have to tell myself 
I'm a good person.
It doesn't always
come easy to me. 
I feel the weight
of my weaknesses
and mistakes 
all too often.
At times it gets to me.
This was a problem
in the past that I am
still working through.
This poem is boring
and for that I apologize.
I am not here to 
mythologize myself.
The drunkenness
is nothing worth 
exploiting for gain.
A quiet and still mind
is more focused. 
This is where I am
and where I wish to be.


 The more I search for work the more I realize I do not wish to place myself
into the position so many of us are forced to. Trading our lives for comfort 
and survival in a system that makes us handily expendable. Salvation does 
not come from an external force, it must be one created and willed. 

The crisis I have felt within myself has been that of a search for purpose. I have
defined that purpose by wanting to do something to create change and good.
I do not know if this will be a means to my own salvation but it is as good of an 
answer as I have ever been able to come up with. The path this places me on will 
be one that will consume my life for the better part of the next few years. I am 38
years old. I will realistically be no younger than 41 in a new profession if things 
all manage to work successfully towards that end. I feel so old and so young. I can
only move forward even as I look back and reflect at the time that has gone behind.

The coffee helps. It is not killing me, unlike old habits I indulged in. 

I watch my nieces grow up and the time is running wild and quick. 
They will remember me in the way I am now. This is the image they will have
of me, much as how I will always remember my parents from my childhood. 

Looking into the fields and seeing the grazing deer, what was that feeling?

The green grapes were fresh and juicy. There was a slight crunch in the coolness
of their taste. Simple pleasures that were once the heigh of decadence and luxury.

Alive but unsettled. Thinking but breathing. Living and sitting still.
Sitting still and moving through existence. Alive but never born.
Emerging into this world. 


Tea first thing
instead of coffee
just once
on this day
A changed ritual
in a different place
Sleep is a ghost
dragging itself
A sore right foot
aching steps
Wind moving
through skeletal
fingers outside
Buds not ready 
to bloom
waiting their turn

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A Life In Cinema

I remember my childhood in bits and pieces
As though it were a puzzle to be assembled

Isolated moments frozen and separated 
from the rest of the narrative

Sitting on the floor of an apartment 
soft carpet on my legs
pencil in one hand
scrawling lines on a saltine cracker
which I promptly ate
only to have my mother
walk in horrified 
and take both away

A large classroom filled with students
my parents among them
with me in tow
Too young and poor
to have anyone look after me
Everyone striving to learn
a tongue foreign to theirs
How old was I

Meeting my grandparents
my father's parents
Being in their home
in rural Mexico
Seeing the vast depth of a well
Watching Abuela raise a bucket
of fresh water to heat over the fire
for me to bathe in

Being in my grandparents house
and seeing a thatched roof
filled with rows of deer skulls
from my Abuelo hunting 
to provide food
for his wife and eight children

Scenes missing from the film
implying the whole

An ongoing story
with characters coming and going
Playing my part as best I can
Trying to not forget 
what I have seen 
what has been lived

What Morning Is This?

There is nothing normal here. We believe there is normal
but it's really just a matter of what we are used to. Then 
again that's what people who are trying to justify horrible
behavior would say. It has been more than a year since 
abnormal took hold of what we had been used to. In that 
time we have lamented the loss of our lives and the old 
way of doing things. 

I have struggled with myself. I have let myself feed the 
darker parts of my nature, only to turn back on them 
to save myself. I am doing better. I am closer to whole.
The honesty of looking at myself with open eyes is often
difficult. Have I wasted time? Have I wasted the time of 
others? Have I dedicated myself to meaningless pursuits?
Given a chance would I numb myself to the point of self
immolation? At times I feel like a failure, a fraud. This 
light is not flattering. 

At heart I cannot allow myself to remain in the darkness.

I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the wind in 
my hair and feel that this is where and when I need to be. 

I do not know how far this path goes or how many days
are ahead. I must push onward. I have too much faith.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kitchen Table

Blooming tulip
Petals spreading
Stemmed body 
held gently
in a milk bottle
Garbage bins 
sit outside the 
kitchen window
filling vast bellies
She is sleeping
in the bedroom
as afternoon
turns to evening

Monday, March 8, 2021

No Birth

Before the dawning light of life

Gestating in amniotic amnesia

Diving in place





at last


from nature


Crying out

A door opened

Saturday, March 6, 2021

.Live with an open and honest heart

but always be ready to defend it.

Friday, March 5, 2021

The Gift

Memories are a beautiful place
I like to visit from time to time
to admire the view

Sunlight bursting through leaves
and ocean salt filling my nose
Present presence is a gift
I must give myself

Now is the eternal gift.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Photo Album

Call it home
or whatever you like
looking through
fading photograph
Eternal youth
frozen in amber
gleaming bright
so very
very alive