Monday, November 22, 2021

The Selves

It's best I've changed.
I've been a fool 
for most of my days.
I shouldn't feel embarrassed
because it's fading 
into the distance
of the rearview mirror.
I'll make new mistakes
but they'll be better mistakes.
Of that I am sure. 
How do the trees feel
year after year,
season after season?
Are they ready for the winter?
Are they longing for spring?
They are no fools.
They are obedient
only to themselves. 


How do you define the abstract?


Such a monumental word!
So much contained
within five letters.
An endless goal
for countries and self.
Is it quiet?
Is it stillness?
Is it a stoic mind?


What image is in your mind?

Sitting on the sand
as the waves come and go.
A stray seagull flying by.
The great yolk
falling into the sea.

Wars have been waged for peace.
Almost all ended unsuccessfully.

Are you a bodhisattva?
Are you a Saint?
Are you an enlightened atheist?

Can I tell you a secret?

There is no division between us.
There never has been.


Who is the eye
which sees?
Who is the you
which sees?
Who is the I
which is me?
Who is the you
between us?
Who who who
is asked endlessly.
Who I was
is not who you were,
who you were
is not who I am.
The who and why
is always the question.
The answer is always
subject to change
without notice.


That which was bound 
becomes un.
Condensed matter
into infinite expanse
ever expanding,
bringing light
to the far corners
of infinity.
Pale blue,
swirls of white,
smears of green,
smudges of brown.
Skeletal arms
held in place,
reddish brown
stubbornly cling.
A lonely being
still clothed
the snow.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Reason

This has always been
to ease my mind
to ease my heart
of worry
and dread
to lay my fears
and insecurities bare
to see them before me
in words so plain
to let myself
feel the pain
to let myself 
move on
to live on
and feel
a measure of joy
to feel the sun 
on my face
in November


If I cut myself open
will you love me more?

How many secrets,
how much truth
do you want from me?

Will you take the blade
and press it to your belly?

Steady your hand.
Let me give you mine.
There is no special wisdom in my words
I hope that's not why you're here

I remember what it is to hold on and let go

I'm learning still and it will always be this way


I love you
You are unsentimental
but it's only an act
You love me too

On these cold nights
beneath blankets
your head nestled 
on my shoulder
your hand resting
over my beating heart

There is peace 
between us 
in our imperfection

It wasn't always this way
But it is now
and for as long
as love can endure

The Speaker

I speak to myself
Make promises
Make wishes
Say dreams 
and ambitions
Fears and uncertainties
The voice is always speaking
and I can never 
get a word in edgewise
I have always been this way
What can I do
but listen
and hope I can learn
from myself
from the world
I find myself in

Twelve Years

When you said it had been
twelve years
my disbelief covered me
in anxiety.
Had it really been that long?
Had that many years
passed between our lives?
It took me only a moment
to realize you were right.
So many of those years
I spent unknowingly 
lost in the cloud of my life.
My pursuits and ambitions
got the best of me
and pushed me 
to the edge of the canyon.
I had to learn to make peace
with life.
I had to learn to make peace
with myself.
I am a student
and always will.
When I look at the pictures
of the two of us
I feel as old as I look.
You look as though
a portrait of you hangs
hidden in an attic.
You told me 
you feel your age.
That when you smile
the crows feet appear
and I wonder how 
they ever tread 
upon your face.
You said your daughter
would be at home here-
the place we both grew up.
I could see you fully in her.
I know you're right.
I told you to come back.
Come back home
and let your daughter
reach her hand to the moon
and hold it with all her might.