I see his shadowy form walk through the door.
He takes off his shoes, sets down the object
in his hands against a wall, and pulls the hood
down from his head. He sits.
"Are you in a hurry?" I ask.
"No. We have plenty of time." he says.
"That's good." I say.
We sit in silence.
I look out the window and see
the clouds shifting across the sky.
He's watching them as well.
"In all my years I've never grown tired
of watching the clouds move and change
shapes. They're perfect in endless variations." he says.
"I know." I say.
The light begins to fade.
He looks at the sky and the slow descent of the sun.
Our eyes meet.
"Let's wait just a little longer. I want to see the sunset." I say.
"Im not in a hurry. I can tell this will be
a beautiful sunset." he says.
We watch the light fade into pastels brushed upon the sky.
I can't help but smile.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" He says.
I nod.
"Do you think you're ready?"
"I need you to take my hand and then close your eyes." he says.
He stands up and comes next to the bed.
His walk is effortless and calm.
His face looks down at me with a slight smile.
I watch his right hand reach out to me.
My arm feels so heavy and weak.
Our fingers touch.
I close me eyes.