I sent you a message
You called me right away
I didn't expect
to hear your voice so soon
You asked if it was intuition
or if I had heard the news
I said intuition
You told me your brother
died last night in hospital
That all of you were
by his side as he transitioned
Tears, disbelief, relief
all gave way to one another
and back again
You said he had been ill
He had been worsening
I could say nothing
He was only in his fifties
He was young
You are mourning
the loss of a future
You told your children
and they cried too
Your daughter said
it was a sad Friday
and you said yes it was
I'm writing this
the morning after
our conversation
in the dark just before
the sunrise
A million more things
I could say
But I told you
I love you
and you said it back