Thursday, September 17, 2009

Too Late or Too Early?

A Late Night Visit With Mr. Shaw
We drink from the wine

of ourselves

a bit too


It flows too easily

for us to say




we'll keep on


until the early hours

once reason has gone to bed

and we're forced

to follow suit.

Better Start Living
We wonder all too often

when it will end.

It's an answer we are better off

not knowing.

We'll still ask

and we'll still wonder.

If we ever got the answer

none of us would be pleased.

Best left to wonder

about that

which we'll find

when it is time.

It is nothing sacred.

Too much has been made

of this art.

The Olympus they peer down from

is a movie set,

their tomes

nothing but bound blank pages.

But is there anything to it?

There is.

It happens


the thoughts as they

land onto the keys

and are punched


one stroke at a time

at an hour far too late

for any reasonable


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