Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chien / Pero / Dog

I'm a good ol' dog

and I'll do what I do

until I can't

then I'll die

in front of you.


I sing these words hollow







Born dead

they fall

into a puddle,

glistening brightly

under the sun.

The ants begin

to gather,

they die a second time.


What we want


What we profess


t wo

entirely different


What you want is

what I can give and

what I want


can never give

in kind.

We sit here

alone with

our shards

of glass

cutting our feet apart

step by




In Space

Lost in this space we

travel in all directions

at once, feeling both

motion and stillness

of body and mind.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another Night Lost In Downtown

Brown eyes

I'm thinking of you.

His arm around

your waist,


it could be


The End Of The Evening

The rain begins to fall

as I sink


become nothing

at all.

Friday, February 26, 2010

How She Does

She never sleeps when she should

and dances all night. The glow of

morning blinds as it streams through

the curtains. A form in repose as

eyes awake to the midday sun.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Don't call it love call it what it really is

call it what it really is it de(fies/fines)

reason (raison de etre?) like a fire raging

through old growth smoke ash & cinders

surround grab reach drop and drown

dont call it pretty sweet or any sort of

pithy expressed cliche it is deep like a

metaphor about the ocean it is more insane

than the occupants of an asylum there is

no shelter in its confines it is the raging

tempest of life consuming you cumpleting

you in ways you never thought possible


It unfurls in the breeze

as small hands shelter

eyes from an abundant

sun. Feet fidget from

a constant sense of

motion, a youthful

fountain of perpetual

energy escaping as best

it can. They file into

rooms ready to receive

a cargo destined for

future delivery.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Park Pantry or Everywhere and Anywhere

She remembers names,

faces and orders

without much trouble.

He comes by the table

while I look out the window

into the intersection.


a cup of soup sits

below my face

as a mother

crouches down

in front of the blooming

bush with her daughter.

The woman in the booth

facing me busies herself

with her phone

as her food disappears.

The main course arrives,

he sets it gently

next to my glass

as I thank him.

The body takes its fill

and contentedly

sits, staring out the window.

He thanks me as

he sets down the check.

I tell the manager

how great the soup was,

she agrees about its quality.

She hands me change

which gets shoved into

my right coat pocket.

The other hand

lays a few bills

on the table

as I leave the

men and women

in there

behind me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sweet Flower Of Youth

Sweet Flower Of Youth,

how beautifully you bloom

in Spring so sweet.

Sweet Flower Of Youth

how sweetly

your voice sings.

Sweet Flower Of Youth

how fair

your complexion grows.

Sweet Flower Of Youth

how will you shelter

against the coming winter?

La Voz De Un Angel

This angel sings

to me



of snow

and country.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Vision Of Self

Sinking below the surface

the view begins to change.

Eyes adjust accordingly as

light dims and vision blurs.

Fluid fills cavities as lungs

inhale deep. Sinking, deeper

and deepest still.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Not A Poem

All artists are part of a larger, endless dialogue. We each add to the conversation in our time. Gradually others will come along and comment on this as well. No art exists in a vacuum. Everything nurtures everything else in time.

Response To No One

Your glass arms cannot hold me

anymore than your words can move me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Kind Of Tension

The asphalt glistened

as the rain decreased

in frequency. Shards

of broken glass littered

the ground by my feet.

I opened the car door

intending to sit inside.

I could only stand in the rain,

no will to sit down within me.

So I closed the door and walked

back to everyone.

Friday, February 19, 2010


We push the limits of sensation

only to return to ground

time and time again,

waiting to return

to the sky.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sunrise forces the poison from our skin.

We writhe and contort in these early hours

until we wake. Only then do we find the night

mare all too real. Sweat pours down skin as

you wonder, What is next?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Split Dialectic

Bound within prisons of our own making

we rage against the uniformity of choices

which surround us. Dare we descend to

the depths and risk the surrender of past

victories in hopes of future conquest?

My Dear

We forget each other easily

until we remember the space

longing to be filled.

We reach out to the darkness

hoping to touch flesh and

faith once more.

A Love Less

Like Jupiter & Saturn

orbiting this fickle sun,

we revolve around a field

of gravitation keeping us

forever apart.


We pretend as best we can when we are in the presence of one another.A granite face masking actions hidden by omission. Days, Months & Years creep by with hardly a trace showing on this radar. We sit and wonder, facing the product of years, sitting, waiting at our door. We look out and wonder whether or not to open. A stalemate at the gates.


This dark womb cradles us gently.

Limbs pull inward towards the torso

as the head bends down to the lower

extremities. Floating in this amniotic

fluid we breath steadily. Eyelids close

as the heart beat slows steadily. A primal

rhythm informing us of the coursing life

flowing through capillaries, veins & arteries.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


sand shifts beneath our feet

as the tower quivers, shakes

itself apart and rains down

upon us. A stillness so complete

we dare not make a sound.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Morning Motivation

Shake off the cold,


from the sheets

into lifes embrace.


for you are


and truly


Sunday, February 14, 2010

An Edged Trifection

it cradles you like a hand,

within you beats an unwavering rhythm.

a sphere sinking

in water,



glass cutting skin,

a drop drips out,

rolls down the

side, wiped

off on you

r clothes.

It coag


Saturday, February 13, 2010


resurrecting the spirit of an innocence past,

you blend into immortal night. bodies heat

the room into communion as bliss is poured

into pints. we had no need for a delorean as

sound pounded heavy like hearts in lust. A

city that has seen it once before embraces a

return to familiar form. bodies move the night.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Hand Of

It reaches down from the heavens

time to time, when it does you must

be ready to reach out and hold tight,

never willing to let go.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Collapsing Chrysalis

Dust spreads far over plains too dry to remember rain.

Bloated and parched, the tongue sits like a beached manatee.

Cracked and bloodied, weary feet halt, knees buckle as the

almighty is invoked in silence. Wind whips like leather,

obscures the observable. Hands touch ground as lungs

breath dust deep into soft tissue. Hanging head, postured

like a dog, spirit broken, death of another kind. Collapsing

under a paltry weight burdening the flickering flame, chrysalis

embeds itself into the ground. Flickering light, breath intermittent

as transfiguration begins in the shadows of this dark wind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lines Bound By Fate

thoughts project velocity as a means of motion.

self-centered ambition molds thought and action.

your kiss reminding me of everything.

two planes intersecting in the darkness.

breathing in life through the cover of the city.

the dead scribes of the past could scarcely conceive the world we exist in.

your hand locked in mind,moving to the motion of the girls singing.


Stillness screams loud in the darkness

as sand spills furiously into the bottom

of the hour glass.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


back &
looks &
Songs of
swung as
3 part
Not quite
I lost
in those
none the
An un
found &
with a
to return
to our
new found

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Falling In The Rain

The words are gone because you've taken them.

We lived a cliche in the rain

as distance disappeared

huddled beneath your

night time parasol.

Let us close this gap again

and breathe life into

these tired lungs once more.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Axis At An End

Force a meaning into single lines

stacked upon another like cordwood.

A forest reduced to stumps.

Your tearful face.

Where you used to roam.

An age at an end.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


electric transmission sent through sonic emissions,

vibrations shake loose vitals into transfiguration.

How does it

How does it


You cannot stop

You cannot stop

these vibrations

shaking loose

what you have


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Natural Order

Your blank visage captures me

through unseeing sockets,

a command unspoken

except for your presence.

I rise above padded confines

into air unexplored.

Fear is replaced by quiet agreement,

submission to natural order.

As it is meant to be,

As it is and has been.

We depart to well traveled regions.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Rorschach In Your Eyes

A heavenly rorschach greets us in swirling white cotton

against a landscape our avian siblings call the canvas to their lives.

Thoughts and images trickle, then go over the edge

as lips dribble them out. Fine green everything cushions flesh,

outlines the body like a crime scene. Wind like the tides,

soft white cotton mimicking shifting sea side sand.

Eyes like amber, you wonder silently as I watch the words

come together across your countenance. Streams of vision cross,

saying nothing and everything.