Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Park Pantry or Everywhere and Anywhere

She remembers names,

faces and orders

without much trouble.

He comes by the table

while I look out the window

into the intersection.


a cup of soup sits

below my face

as a mother

crouches down

in front of the blooming

bush with her daughter.

The woman in the booth

facing me busies herself

with her phone

as her food disappears.

The main course arrives,

he sets it gently

next to my glass

as I thank him.

The body takes its fill

and contentedly

sits, staring out the window.

He thanks me as

he sets down the check.

I tell the manager

how great the soup was,

she agrees about its quality.

She hands me change

which gets shoved into

my right coat pocket.

The other hand

lays a few bills

on the table

as I leave the

men and women

in there

behind me.

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