Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Late Nite Free Write

There are no doors to open and no barriers to break down
there is only space around and within us
it is there for us to fill with whatever we see fit
if we can will ourselves to be free of constricting constructs
we will find that there are modes of thought and expression
to be explored that we have as yet left untouched
I turned the knob with my left hand to open the door
but as soon as i opened it there was nothing
but a feeling of regret
regret at not knowing what was behind
but also the knowledge that was about to be mine
there is no one path to any destination
to limit ourselves to one fixed route
to any physical destination or to any life goal
is to reduce the amount of imagination we
are capable of
when we were children we had no worry
no use for limitations placed on our thoughts
we wandered as freely as the buffalo once did
across the vast plains of the american frontier
those days are long since past
there is nothing there now but the smoldering ash of
good intentions that became preconceived ideas
of greed and domination that came to define
generations of people in our nation
a history built on half truths and deception
we make due with our historical hypocrisy
because that is all we can do short of becoming
blind and indifferent in much the way that many
of our fellow citizens have
where has that idea of good citizenship taken us
where has it gone from our lives
is it living in a fictitious world or has it
entirely disappeared or perhaps it was never here
it was never ours to have and to hold
it was a shapeless ideal that we held to be true
true enough to believe but not real enough for us
to act and make it so
so much passes us by these days as information
sails in front of our eyes moment by moment
our capacity to comprehend has stayed static
while the world and our capacity to innovate
has grown exponentially our poor heads
are like tea cups with fire hoses pointed right at them
ready to break as soon as contact is made
or they are launched and they shatter upon the ground
did i have a dream yes
i had a dream such a strange dream
that I was with someone as we drove our way through and
found ourselves in the company of some famous rock bands
rehearsal space hidden in some dark alley hidden from the world
and we felt alive some how some way that we couldn't entirely
believe or understand we had been drinking in that dream
and were drunk already when we met them but
it was a dream and only a dream
and when i woke the sun was there
and the morning was cold and there were things to be done
placed i had to be but i wasn't sure if it mattered
did any of it matter as
all of it because patterns
recognized and analyzed to no end
and there is no end
there is no end to the cycle of death and creation
but what is there to learn
what is there not to learn
the words all write themselves they find their place
among the page as my fingers fly and give birth to these
children all hoping to find the eyes of an audience ready
to look and to read and to understand
and to close this gap between us
to close these rift to
fill this grand canyon that we have made for ourselves
and between ourselves
there is a space that can be filled
and we can be fulfilled if we can only let go
let go of these notions that bind us and constrict us
and find a reason to wake and to love and to
see and to feel ourselves alive in the way we idealize
those in the past to be but there is a false analogy to the past
there is no past there is only now there is only us
there is only me typing these words out late at night
and there is only you reading those words in another time
and another place perhaps close or far to where I am
or when I am but I am and have been and will continue to be
in some way shape or form as I continue as you continue
as we continue to change our thoughts shapes and forms

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