Saturday, March 1, 2014

At birth

I had no face but I did not mind.
My parents were greatly troubled by it
but there was little they could do.
In the first hours after I was born
I gap appeared, then I had a mouth.
The next day my right eye appeared
where there had once only been
smooth skin. Two days after that my left
eye appeared in the same fashion.
Over the next month my nose grew
in steadily, as that finished my ears
began to come in. Finally, my eyebrows
and eyelashes grew in to complete
the human look.

I tell people about this from time to time,
most everyone doesn't believe me.
My parents have pictures of me
from this time but they prefer to keep them
between us. I don't think about the how
or why, I just know that I am now
as I was meant to be, just as flawed
and whole as any of us ought.

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