Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gazing Down

The ocean is in no hurry as we stand together,
waiting for the next wave to come.

Cold water washes over our feet, gently pulling
sand beneath us back to depths we cannot see.

Overcast skies watch us through a gray haze,
but what must the Sun think as it sits pendulous

in the heavens, looking down at the swirling
pools of blue surrounding the small pieces

of land some of us call home. Does the Moon
wonder the same things? Or does she see us

as constantly tired creatures, sleeping under
her calm gaze? Perhaps she worries about

those who cannot rest, or those who work
overnight, getting home just in time to miss

the first rays of a new day. How often do
the Sun and Moon embrace? Not often

enough, though they take delight in waves
crossing distances, watching creatures

as helpless as we, holding each other
to create a small fire of warmth.

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