Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I am awake

I am awake because I have to. I am awake
because I am not dead. I am awake
because I am fully rested. I am awake
because I must work. I am awake because
I must run. I am awake because to further
sleep would bring me discomfort. I am
awake because the sun is bleeding through
the blinds. I am awake because I had to use
the bathroom. I am awake because there
is someone I love. I am awake because
sleep becomes boring. I am awake because
my hands cannot bear another moment
of inactivity. I am awake because the Earth
continues it's rotation. I am awake because
the news is an annoyance. I am awake
because I have something to tell you. I am
awake because I wonder where you are.
I am awake because I have nowhere to be.
I am awake because I have plans. I am awake
because my ambition needs little sleep. I
am awake because I hunger. I am awake
because I wake at a similar time most days.
I am awake because I am repetitive. I am
awake because because is a good enough
reason. I am awake because I seek to be
delighted by the unexpected. I am awake
because I expect nothing. I am awake
because the dog kicked me in its sleep.
I am awake because to not do so would
be disappointing but not altogether un-
foreseen in the grand scheme that people
seem to talk about from time to time. I am
awake because my fingers are at work
relaying words from my cpu. I am awake
because out there is a woman walking her
dog and I wonder if she knows I am
thinking of her.

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