Thursday, August 6, 2015

freewrite 8/6/15

Words are nothing thoughts are nothing and I
am nothing until I decide to be something when
I become something I will become someone
and when I become someone I will not be
forgotten by those who see and those who see
me will hold me in the closet of their thoughts
the door for it opening on occasion and that
occasion needs not be important or at length
merely a passing moment that serves as a
reminder of something and nothing that is what
we veer between something and nothing and
when we become something it is only because
we are on our way to being nothing again
this is no source for worry just an unceasing
continuum becoming is a process with no end
and no real beginning we can observe the rising
of the sun and its setting we can observe the
ascension of the moon and its descent we will
never see the end of their lives but they will
see the end of ours and continue their orbits
like nothing happened

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