Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Ugly Face

$$$ is always in short supply.

It's the only thing you always hear people talking about.

They wonder how they're going to make their rent this month.

They wonder if they're going to make it to the end of the week.

They wonder if they have enough to buy groceries.

They wonder if there is enough to get gas to make it to work.

They wonder if they're going to have to borrow money.

They wonder if they'll get that raise at work.

They wonder if they'll find a better paying job.

They hope they don't get sick because they don't have insurance.

They wonder if they are going to work until the day they die.

They wonder if their children will have to struggle as well.

They wonder how they're going to make rent the next few months.

They wonder if the job that laid them off will call them back.

They wonder if they'll have to sell the house.

They wonder if they'll have to declare bankruptcy.

They wonder how much longer they can do this.

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