Monday, April 16, 2012

Filing A Report (An Excerpt)

Towards the end of human existence on earth
mankind had developed many specialized structures
in which to congregate for various predetermined

Some of the more common structures were rectangular
in shape or square. 

Though it was possible for individual human beings
to exist in solitude the vast majority found it 
exponentially more beneficial to live communities
of varying sizes. 

Some of the structures they would inhabit were 
large rooms that held rows of chairs for seating.
These seats were all pointed to the same direction,
a blank wall or screen. They would typically 
gather in these structures for the expressed purpose
of watching a series of images and sounds shown
in a sequential order. Why they chose to do so
is widely speculated upon because of our 
understanding of time and its illusory nature.

Humanity would gather in other buildings of a similar
nature that varied in having seating or an open
area in which they would gather. Much like the
previously mentioned structure the seats or 
empty space was situated in a way to guide
their attention to an area that was usually elevated
and was filled with other members of their species.
The members of their species would engage in 
various manner of entertainment for the delight
of those who had gathered. They would sing
or play musical instruments that produced
pleasing sounds or rhythms, very often these
sounds were amplified so as to be heard by 
all those gathered. other times the humans who 
were performing would act out scenes of fictional
situations in order to elicit emotional responses
such as sympathy or delight if something was

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