Thursday, June 28, 2012

Colours of Motley

She felt joy in the arms of the tree.

It's branches a perfect place for shade,

a comfort no talking mouth could offer.

Dressed in bright motley, her smile grew

to cover that which the motley could not.

Employed by no King or Court, instead,

whim was indulged. The branches of her 

tree was the only home she knew. So it went

time after time, alternating between comfort

and joy. What of the pests feeding from 

the fruit of the tree? Holding its fruit in her

hand she found it ripe with decay. Barely 

visible feet crawling within and without.

She reached for another, and another,

and another, only to find the same face

of decay. The colours of her cheeks

became streams converging at her chin.

Poor tree, poor me  she thought.

Poor, tree, poor me

She pulled buckets upon buckets

of water from the well and poured them

over the fruit, the branches and leaves

hoping to stop the approaching pestilence.

Her arms burned with pain, the muscles

unaccustomed to this strain. She collapsed

and fell into a damp sleep at the base 

of the tree. The water began to overwhelm 

the roots as the dirt flooded. Slowly,

they began to decay out of sight.

When she awoke, the leaves and fruit

surrounded her, the trunk dying.

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