Wednesday, September 5, 2012

battling entropy

take the time out
on grey days
to get out

you want to right
you hold part of yourself
for a better time
that never comes

pin hope on ambition
it can only be fulfilled with action

idle time is death
death is a given

do not relent
raise the colors
of the regiment

have you surrendered
will or grown in apathy

feet go nowhere
if they are not moving

still water stagnates
and festers with disease

something more
something else
something somewhere

stop being so so so
tied to static
ready yourself

self is the hardest part
to understand
it as tangible / ephemeral

sit comfortably
closed off from harm
closed off from experience

it pains you to hurt
it hurts you to breath
you exist all the same

undocumented terror
insecure in flesh
mind as still as rusted gears

falling into
an increasing state of entropy
the fate of everything

cities grow empty with steady ease
wild grasses grow taller than men
glass breaks and iron rusts

stone remains
it too will be eroded
by the steady winds

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