Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Hand Account

I can tell your from first hand experience that God
writes a little bit every day. It may be hard for you
to imagine the way time is perceived by God. You
have no reason to believe my account except to
take it on faith.

I have seen him sit down at his desk made of sequoia
and pull out parchment and quill from his desk drawer.
On the occasion he uses a pen he prefers to use Pilot
G-2 pens with the 05 fine tip because of how fine
the lines are and the minimal bleed.

The difference between when He writes versus you
on the physical plane is that He has the power to make
His words into actual reality. He doesn't do it very often
but He does from time to time. You don' even notice
when He does. It just happens.

He has also had high aspirations for all of you. He never
ceases to be disappointed at all your doctrinal in fighting.
The angels tend to take bets on how many of your will
die over religious conflict on any given day. They need
something to do on their breaks.

You may ask, 'If He can change anything at will then why
doesn't He do something about X?' That's a good question
but that's not for you to know. I sure as hell don't. Don't
get me started on Hell, that's a whole other story the Big
Guy is dealing with over here.

He's not a bad guy. Well, he's not really gendered, that's
just for your convenience. In any case, He's great to hang
out with once you get to know him. You may not believe
it, but He has such a great sense of humor. Ask him about
it sometime.

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