Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/14/12 Freewrite

you start by writing about nothing and hoping
that it will go somewhere you eschew any type
of punctuation and instead decide to keep at it
to keep the words coming regardless of the gib
berish quality to what may be said it never stop
ed you before and it wont now stray observations
pile up like gridlock on the 110 freeway on a
friday evening everyone trying to get home all
the grouchy bastards stewing in their portable
pots and cursing those in front of him impeding
his path home just a drink just a little something
to take the edge off of the day it sounds so simple
but it can go so wrong so quickly who would
have thought not the one drinking thats for sure
thats the story weve heard before and over and
over again its like watching the same movie and
thinking that the plot will change it wont and
instead you will remember the plot the way the
scenes change the way their faces twist and con-
tort into rubbery expressions the face can lie but
the eyes cannot how you can fake the way light
reflects from the innerflame you cannnot will not
be able to make this change so you keep searching
for a better way to lie a better way to mask truth
truth never wishes to hide it is only our cowardly
leanings that seek to mask that which is that which
must be seen will be seen suffer for this trespass
and learn the meaning of atonement for sin that
guilts and gilds itself to the spirit atone a tone
how meaning can change with hardly a change
in sound in timbre just another mystery another
quirk to language to these words you read to
these words I type and wonder who is reading
why are they reading why am I typing why am
I writing for who and what purpose or no purpose
at all it doesnt matter only the act itself ascribe
meaning at a later date we can only do so when
time has given us the means to gain perspective

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