Monday, December 10, 2012

Open Page

Note: everything in this post was written/scrawled over a period of a few days. just pure randomness.

glances meeting over short distances

validating narcissism

I have probably had a crush on you but you never knew about it.
I try to not tell people if I like them or have a crush on them.
Rejection will erode your confidence like that.
You end up finding comfort in your solitude.
You guard your heart against those that come too close.
It's nothing personal against them, you just don't want
to keep using glue and tape to hold the shattered pieces
together any more. It beats all the same.

Waiting and receiving no answer, seeing no one.

I died
she came looking
for me

to find me
every where

The longer one stays awake at night
the further mind stretches
and contorts itself
into forms unrecognizable
during the day

So far away
so far away

Chlorine In The Gene Pool

I woke up early because I didn't know what else to do.
10pm is an early bedtime for me,
it's something I'm just not used to.

It rained last night.
Our paved driveway is covered with
alternating splotches of wet and dry.

If it is raining while you sleep
do you think that it affects your dreams?
In what ways, I wonder.

The neighborhood is as quiet
as I have ever heard. There are no
helicopters overhead looking

for suspects. Everyone is asleep,
or at least most people. This is perfect.
The day has yet to make its demands,

they are not always unreasonable
but they can be taxing. Everyones
dreams are closing in on reality,

I wonder what the final moments are.
Though I have just woken, I cannot
remember mine. Only the silence

of early morning, sitting here,
keeping me company. Always
such a faithful friend.

Every pair of eyes do their best to lie.


If you come around
I won't be here
Don't expect to see me again
Don't expect me now and then
Don't expect to see me again

I should have known better
but now I do
Learning lessons the hard way
you've always been a teacher
teaching me out of school

When you get sick
of doing
the same

the same outcomes
from the same actions

your habits are the only molds
you need to break

Truest Love or a Divorce waiting to happen

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