Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Moment of Beauty

I don't wish to be vague
so I'll be specific.

I'd like to write about beauty.
Let's not concern ourselves

with the philosophical
discussion that has plagued

us since time immemorial.
I'm thinking of the time

I held someone I loved
in my arms. We were

alone in a way we had
never been before or since.

Sitting on a couch
and watching the lights

stream into the darkened
room. She didn't want

to leave, or at least
she said that, and I didn't

wish her to leave either.
There are other details

that complicated our lives
at that moment, but I still

remember us sitting in
a light that not many

have seen or could
understand. I'm thinking

of her, us, that moment
because it has passed.

It is past.

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