Saturday, November 2, 2013

Free Write 11/2/13

Don't call this what it is because it isn't anything
it is nothing in fact it is merely my hands running
my mind throwing up and me just sitting here
letting it happen because sometimes you have to
just shove your fingers down your throat until you
gag until you force yourself to let go to release
the poison you pour into yourself I need to purge
this palace more often but the maintenance crew
has been on vacation for a few weeks now and
things have gotten a little out of hand but these
hands can do more than hold they can touch all
the places on your neck they can hold grab and
go for the places from which every one stems
going back to the scene of the crime to the origin
the place position on your back chalk outlines
erased with water another life forgotten the sun
is still beating us with its heat does not care does
its job as it is meant to do as it always will until
the day comes when it cannot when even it will
surrender to the darkness because everything is
consumed in time every thing slides into entropy
let's not get ahead of ourselves yet we have days
and nights to live we have skin to touch and tears
to shed both justly and by mistake we need to go
to the beach more often but I don't like to show
too much of my skin I burn easily I have always
shied away from being a physically active extrovert
I love the feel of the wind on my face the taste
of sea salt on my tongue the waves rumbling in
steady motion rising falling being water they are
bound to the motion of the moon that beautiful
mistress her face beaming down her form changes
but always returns her lover is always absent and
she absent for him as well do they miss each other
do they wonder why it must be so difficult their
ward sees them both and doesn't think of this at all
that is fine it's better to just let things to just turn
off the noise to turn off the screens to turn off
the lights to cover your ears and ignore the voices
of those around you because what do they know
of your life and the secret heart beating in the
corner booth just waiting but fine with being hidden
because not everything lives in the day time
some things grow better by moonlight by a cold
and rising tide even now my skin waits for
the cool touch of evening waiting for sunset
and hoping against nothing just for a moment
to arrive that is already here

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