Thursday, October 20, 2016

Messenger of God

No one would believe a messenger of God today.
There have been far too many false prophets
Who were, quite frankly, too damn crazy.

If God were to make a well-known public figure
Her new prophet there would be much skepticism
From the general public and rightly so.

If God were attempting to reach us then perhaps
Sending a prophet is no longer the best way
To send commandments and updates to the most

Recent testament. The Bible could stand to use
An update given the state of the modern world.
The Bible has no firm stance on people who fail

To use their turn signals while changing lanes.
The Bible could, at the very least, have some
updated parables. Perhaps God has given up

On the concept of prophets. Perhaps She is
Reaching us through new means that we have
Yet to acknowledge as such. I can touch you

From a distance when you pull out your phone
And stare at the lit screen. How easy would it be
For God to merely send us a reminder text about

Her infinite and never ending love.

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