Tuesday, March 28, 2017

biographical fragment

There is no story left to tell that has not been told
but I'll still tell you mine. My flight landed in
Cancun where some relatives picked me up from
the airport. It was hot and humid the moment I
stepped outside the terminal. I could smell the
land itself and I immediately felt at ease. It was
just about sunset as we drove out from the city
to our destination, our hometown, a couple of
hours away. I intently watched the way the sky
loomed perfectly over the forest. I had never
felt the sky feel so ancient and towering. At that
moment I understood why it would have been
easy to believe in a pantheon of gods and goddesses.
The sunset quickly gave way to a darkness that
filled the roads. From time to time we would pass
through a small town. The lights of the square
would be lit as people lounged around the park
and whiled away the time. This scene repeated
itself in every town we saw. By the time we
arrived at my grandparents home it was late
and most of the town was asleep. Warm hellos
after years of not seeing each other were given.
We ate bread and eventually found our way
to sleep.

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