Friday, August 12, 2022

For Kristen and Emily

I want you to know in all ways
just how loved and missed you are.

The distance that divides us 
is merely land.

There will be greater distances
one day, but not today.

I am thinking of what 
I should say.

Be good, be kind, 
to yourselves and others

in all ways.
It won't be easy but try.

There will be days and nights
that will cause you to think

you should give up.
The darkness will bathe you

at those times.
Bear it, endure it, 

and let it mold you
into someone 

stronger and wiser.
Your strength

will be revealed to you
in this way.

Strive for perfection
but know none of us

can ever fully attain it.
It's ok to not be perfect.

Learn to be yourselves.
Wear different guises

at different times.
Some will stick,

some won't but that's ok.
You're loved no matter what.

Don't allow yourselves to hate
without depth.

Your time and energy 
is too precious to waste

on such negativity.
In place of anger or hatred

create art, or involve yourselves
in helping others.

Push back the darkness
with kindness and creativity.

If it feels hopeless 
do it all the same.

You are the beacon of light
for yourselves and others.

Learn every day.
To learn and educate yourselves

is far more than merely
what we are taught in school.

Observe others. Learn from their mistakes.
Make your own mistakes and learn from them.

Let no moment be wasted.
Allow yourselves to fully inhabit the present.

What does that mean?
Listen. See. Hear. 

Every moment is a gift.
Every moment is the only moment.

If the past haunts you
know it has passed.

If the future troubles you
know it is not yet here.

If the present troubles you
know that it will pass.

Always prepare but know
that everything and everyone

is subject to change without notice.
Be able to adjust at a moment's notice.

Some of life's greatest adventures
will begin in this way.

Know that not everything 
will be known to you.

Allow for mystery and wonder
to be part of your life.

Go to the beach, close your eyes,
and listen to the waves.

Go to the forest, close your eyes,
and listen to the wind in the trees.

Go to the desert, close your eyes,
and listen.

Those who loved you most dearly
when you were born

will most likely not be the same
as those who love you

when we meet on the other shore.
Learn to let things go.

Learn that holding on 
can be the thing that hurts us most.

Laugh every day. Laugh the kind
of laughter that makes you gasp for air.

Remember that so much of life is play.
Be joyful.

Take only what you need.
Give the rest away.

Be kind.
Be kind.

Be kind.
I love you.

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