Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fred : "God loves you just the way you are."

(a collection of thoughts from a morning spent musing on childhood)

Little hands

rest as

Little eyes

watch the screen

to see such a 

comforting creature

ask you

'Won't you be my neighbor?'

Big lessons taught

from a humble 

loving voice.

A source of love and sanity 

in such a restless time.

A calm, caring

and reassuring presence

is what you always were

in those days of childhood.

Childlike rapture

at each encounter in your 

living room or 

land of make believe.

Your memory

is a reminder

of the good that is possible

in this world.

Sincerity could be found

in every gentle word

uttered to the young

hearts of the world

aching for love 

and understanding.

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