Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 Block Paragraph Non-Sequiturs

We sank into the ephemeral tides into another state of
consciousness we'd never been in. The colors shifted
in a kaleidoscopic burst. Inner and outer space became
one as fear gave way to an egoless understanding of
the true nature of perception. Do you remember? Do
you remember the eagle-eyed god cracking the sky
with each flap of his wings?

I can't shut this off. It goes and goes and I never
know where or why. It just moves of its own
volition. It is a force greater and more power
ful than any I can comprehend. It is both furious
and gentle. A surging tide of elemental force
that is super/natural. This temporal being can
only know what it knows. It is far too ignorant
to face the reflection in the mirror, too cowardly
to look inside. It moves on its own accord it is
both present and future tense. Past tense is a
misnomer or it could be spot on in its description.

Be willing to strip meaning away from the world
you know in order to embrace something wholly
new. If you can do so you will be rewarded greatly.

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