Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Simple Arithmetic

there is nothing better to do than let these
words run all over you I dont want to edit
the madness down to a point its much bet
ter to let it come out like gallons of paint
being splattered all over the wall the floor
the ceiling color drying on your clothes a
new canvas everywhere it touches like
porcelain i touch you skin and i buzz elec
tric at your hip underneath my arm just
a sandcastle waiting for the tide better to
have and hold a memory than have never
lived it at all it gets me thinking it gets
me thinking sometimes drinking to relive
to forget to crack loose the thoughts stifled
but ordinary sensibilities of decorum and
taste there is too much at stake always its
best to remember this in order to live and
act id rather not let it all fall apart id rather
know in spurts than to not at all what use
less things I dream and this is all about
the one but will the one become the other
half of a simple arithmetic where the sum
result is two or will it always remain in
solitude or worse a negative number?

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