Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rising Arc (freewrite)

substitute reason with intrigue

redraw the map to reflect no reality

automatic thoughts

typed at the speed of fingers

exercise the mind

preserve the body

balance the weights on the scale

justice, her scales in imbalance

keep this going

keep thoughts moving

the difference between

potential and kinetic energy

a matter of use

a matter of motion

heat warmth

sweat pouring

from your forehead

simple as saying nothing

to no one

keep this true

lie to no one

but yourself

a state of constant


you run through fields

you have never seen

you kiss lips

that never loved you

imagine it all

rewrite the world

into the image

that you crave

no one can stop

the world they wish

to create

limit yourself

by fear and anxiety

forward motion

is restless

is ready

wheels turning

the smell of burnt rubber

wafts to your nose

the car guns it

so what about


what about insecurity



all of it

accept no false Karass

you will never know

all the answers

they are not yours

to know

do not mourn this


lives in closed systems

until the gap is breached

do you understand

do you understand

we are living

according to no plan

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