Thursday, February 26, 2015

Notebook Dump #7

I fall awake with great difficulty most mornings but I am glad to do so while I can. Mornings move swifter than I do and quickly rush me in to afternoon. Afternoons are never in a hurry and are quite content to laze about as long as the sun holds her place above. Afternoon and Evening meet at the far edge of the horizon where the ocean and sky blur into a singular being. They trade off duties as the Moon ascends to her rightful place as she permits us to gaze upon her pocked white face. Her blemishes only increase her beauty as she travels across the sky like a car full of teenagers down the boulevard on a Friday night. She guides us into unconscious tranquility and whispers to us in the faintest of voices so we wonder what were the words we heard and what could they possibly mean.

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