Sunday, May 7, 2017

Morning Thoughts 5/7/17

The rains have come and gone
What of them now remains
Wet stain upon concrete
A chill in the morning air

I listen to the soul of you calling
I listen and grow still
Absorbing the sound
Growing the silence within

I wish for these lesson to be in my marrow
To become part of my being
Undeniably whole

For Health & Spirit

Foolish blood and habits
Grow in the understanding
of what you lack
A true light awaits within

Om Shanti Om
Shanti Om
Shanti Om

Soul reaching out for the light

Clarity of Being

I am seeking freedom both within and without.

Oathkeeper or Oathbreaker: which are you?

Grow in both Body and Mind.

Ecstatic Elevation

Born into this body
Into this time and place
Home by any other name

A state of perpetual searching.

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