Friday, January 12, 2018

Possible Dawn

Oftentimes when I wake before dawn
I will sit down at my desk and write
and write and write. I try to open my
mind as fully as I can. I am the most
critical of myself at these hours. I feel
my weaknesses and shortcomings most
acutely. Why? Because I believe in the
better person I know I am capable of
becoming. Because I know my potential
is there and I have yet to meet my own
expectations. Perhaps it is also easier to
be more open and honest with yourself
when the world is still asleep and you
can feel it breathing and dreaming still.
I want to make this life better, not just
for me, but for those I love, for all of us.
It is always a struggle. Nothing of worth
can be gained easily. It must be fought
for. It must be suffered for. There is no
guarantee of a reward. We must become
masters of ourselves. Easier said than
done. That is so often the case. Yet it is
possible. I still believe in potential and
possibility. The story is not yet done.
The words are being written as we
breathe. I do not know your challenges
as intimately as I know my own. Your
struggles are valid. Suffer through them.
Build yourself through them. Recast
yourself into a position of strength and
greater compassion. Give up the belief
that what you want is impossible. Only
then can it be possible.

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