Saturday, August 5, 2017

As We Watch

We are watching ourselves grow older as if we
were watching this happen to someone else.
It is now. It is everyday. How can this be?
It is life and this is how it occurs.

It is not merely the passage of the days and
nights, it is the greying of the hair, the growth
of the paunch, lines in the face, and random
aches from simply standing.

When I look in the mirror I recognize my face
because it is much like the face I saw in there
yesterday. How different would it be to see my
face from ten or twenty years ago look back?

These are the day and nights of a lifetime.
The journey may feel so long but it is a speck
of light among a field of endless black. I am
searching in the darkness for you as well.

We have found each other and now share
this moment together. How good it is to not
be alone. To connect, to share words, to
remind ourselves of what could yet be.

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