Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Planes and the Nighttime Beach

We can feel it in the air
Things have been difficult lately
As if a black tar has been spread
into our lives
Hope has been difficult to
hold on to at times
It has pushed many
to points of their own breaking

Sitting outside with you
Talking beneathe the loud
city night sky
We open up doors
We tend to leave closed
to many in our lives

How much lighter
Does the weight of the soul
Feel when it speaks
And unburdens itself

I suggested we take a drive
Though I did not tell you where
You placed trust in me

Through city streets and freeways
We traversed this home of ours
Down empty stretches of street
We came upon the beach at night
Darkened with waves still crashing

At last I pulled over
There we were facing the beach
Beneathe the beaming moonlight

So we sat and talked
And watched the planes taking off
From time to time overhead

We talked about how the passengers
Overhead had no idea we were
Sitting on the ground watching them go
Talking about them
Wondering where they going

That could be us
Seen by strangers passing in the streets
Not knowing where we are going
Though we are figuring it out
One day and one night at a time

There doesn't need to be a big answer
Simply the power to wake
To breathe and feel
To try again
To not feel as though things are lost

After a while of feeling the cool
Air of the beach
We got back in the car
And I drove you home
As we made our way back
To the beating heart of the city

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