Monday, March 17, 2008

There Is Always Something More Terrifying To Learn About

Sleep Paralysis
it is our own fault sometimes
for the unknown terrors we
suffer through in our lives.

sleep should always be thought
of as a wonderful and needful
respite for the modern lives

we seem to lead. i have always
been torn and conflicted with
sleep from a relatively young age.

it has terrified me at times as
almost nothing else has. in recent
times there were moments when

this became a nightmarish ordeal
that made me wonder if childhood
nightmares were now incarnate.

lying in bed asleep then bolting up
wide awake but feeling completely
physically paralyzed and unable to

cry out. this happened enough that
the last time it occurred i had had
enough of this happening to me.

as it occurred i remember laughing
inside my head and thinking that
this cannot harm me.

i've been fine since then but there
are still many nights ahead waiting
for me to come to the night time reaches.

the darkness inside
i used to love embracing
the numbing effect of alcohol
as my mind and body would
succumb to its dark kiss.
it would come to me like a lover
and we would dance together
and slip deeper and deeper
into the descending darkness.
morning would come and she
would always be gone but not
before she would spite my head
to remind me of how much a fool
i had been the night before.
we have since parted company
though i think about her from
time to time over the nights
when i'm with friends and old
drinking buddies. i will taste her
sweet lips once more some distant
night but until then at least i know
i don't need to take that dark embrace
to the path of annihilation.

The Problem With 'Artists'
Fuck Poetry
Fuck Art
Fuck Pretension
Fuck This
Fuck You
Fuck Music
Fuck Literature
Fuck Heaven
Fuck Hell

Bleed for your art or don't make it at all.

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