Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Artist (Draft 3)

by nature is a creature given to feeling the tides of life

in a hard and impassioned way. Every moment and

emotion is amplified into something that can be

immortalized in a creative act. This is best exemplified

through work crafted in the passion of loves creation or

dissolution. Each end mirrors the other in an opposing

spectrum of action and emotion. What may have been

a unifying force now tears bonds apart. The artist mourns

its passing with a fury uncommon to an average love,

creation flows in torrents that cannot be held back.

One can view the strata of an artists life as periods of

work with identifiable creative output.

The internal conditions of these works are representative

of universal themes that are identifiable and relatable by

others who may or may not be creatively inclined. Ultimately,

the Artist perseveres and embarks on a new era of creativity.

Note: drafts 1 and 2 can be viewed here:

1 comment:

Kelli Anne said...

Olive feels honored. She sends her best. x