Friday, December 31, 2010


And where did it go?

Behind us dear,

Behind us.


the water circles the drain,

flows down the pipes

into the sewers below

Odd & Ends From My Desk Over The Last Few Months

-There are nights when the rustling of the trees sounds like the baying of the tides. -


-Roots run deep in this soil. -

- Shit don't fly, it gets thrown. -

-This abiding boredom. -

-Your voice echo's the answer. -

-We are able to create and understand technology more easily
than we can ourselves or others. -

-This false start stalled out my heart. -

-Our avarice is contagious. -

-Note to self: buy Vanilla Silk, pour over frosted mini-wheats. -

-The hard plastic plink of rain hitting an empty bucket. -

-She crawls like a snail, viscous and slow. -

-The girl made of soap. -

-Idea for a Character Name: Olivia Soap. -

-Have Pants, Will Travel. -

-Time has worn some of your grace, enough remains in the
lines of your face. -

-This Constant Condition. -

-We lack everything but soul. -

-Primate Psychology. -

-It's easier to deal with what you love once you don't have it. -

- A ghost passing the hours of the day until twilight. -

- Everything turns out differently from what you had imagined. -

- Your memory is an embolism. -

- The Inevitable Decay. -

- Don't be a fool your whole life. -

- It is a means of coping that is also destructive. -

- Tears always mar your smile. -

-The King of Hearts Always Misses His Queen. -

- Your Hunger Feeds From An Emptiness. -

- We watched them like sleuths sitting at the end of the bar. -

- I threw down the umbrella as I leaned in to kiss you,
bad romantic comedies are guilty of scenes like this. -

- These broken teeth cut so jaggedly, a failed symmetry.

- Where The Inquiring Mind Runs The Subconscious Will Follow. -

- Hear The Wind My Brother.
  Here, The Wind, My Brother. -


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Address to Self

just wait

let it come

let it find

you when

it's ready


be kind

to me

once more.

The Late Night Drive

wandering through

the darkness

alone, there is

only enough time

to question everything.

Unedited Freewrite Excersize #3

the day dies as I sit in stasis beneathe my own
impoverishment my pockets empty I am not a
person by standards defined by the present the
will of money the will to desccribe and assign
value and worth the brain rattles words out of
me like some river pouring out endless for no
one but is it for naught or not it is difficult to
know no no no no no know it is our will this
will to create your hand feels like silk against
mine your kiss sweet like honey your my lips
needful against yours play the part of fiction
beneath thinly glazed reality masquerading in
these words all words that authors write down
for consumption what happens when your
compress the narrative down to the most base
construct lets find out don't be playing those
love games just an in joke for us to know from
those days we laughed for no good reason but
to laugh laugh as freely as we could before
the weight began to press down on our chest
the weight grows like a cancer in our flesh
i have given up giving up as a resolution I
will become the power of will and change I
have always imagined myself to be there is
nothing but reality and the power of thought
to shape and bring semblance to this supposed
order of cognizance are you as scared as I
imagine to jump to change to destroy yourself
to gain what you need so am I so am I it is
always there staring boldly and without fear
waiting for an answer there is only a few choices
we can make but we never see it that way
hello former muse do you remember me cause
I remember you reminders litter the remains
of a forgotten age its been over and the present
is as bright as its always been dark the world
is so beautiful and we are so limited by our own
hang ups and self destructive habits did you
sleep alone again last night in a sexless obligation
this cold grows colder and my skin get used to
it no more than it has to whats the point the box
chatters on endlessly and i am as distant as i've
ever been its just a living burial your mouth
choked full of dirt tears streaming down and
wondering why there is no why and there never
will face it live it know it it is all there ever is.


What is left of me

as I sit here waiting

for life?

L'arbre de la memoire

there is a tree where i tie my memories

to keep them safe from the wasting days.

she is a lemon tree basking in the gaze of

Helios. leaves rustle with joy at the touch

of the breeze. she sounds like an ocean

breathing deep outside my window. we

grow older together, seeing the seasons

turn in familiar colors, a palette endless

as its canvas. you shiver and shake at

the touch of the rain, a jilted lover

returned, tears falling through your

branches, the night howls.


the flower which

blooms in the dark

blooms only for one.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I'm the ghost

you've always


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the passage of time

sand falling through a sieve,

your hand beneathe it.

a pause, you

pour it on the ground.

Monday, December 27, 2010


was the last thing she said

to me in her hospital room.

Her eyes sang the ache of 

a heart shackled by its own

grief and regret. When she 

was gone there was only 

one thing left to do.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


cracked black mirror

mounted steady on the wall,

this broken obsidian eye.

what remains?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The wreckage of the past

reaches out to give its

benediction to the present.


Your hands sang more beautifully than any singer,

a singular sound that could speak in tongues, shriek

in agony, wail in ecstasy or soothe like a mother's 

voice. The words have fled elsewhere as I write

this, leaving only your sounds in the room.

for Sonny Sharrock

Love Poem (Draft #2)

I want to write a love poem, problem is they have all

been written. Every sentiment of fondness or desire

now seems trite and insincere. The modern writer is

then faced with appearing sentimental and cliched,

incapable of expressing sincere and heartfelt feelings.

How many ways are there to describe a lover? How

many ways can we reveal a burgeoning fondness?

How many ways can that inexplicable feeling be

expressed? Cliche is an honesty everyone knows.


Note: This poem was first posted on Tuesday,
November 9th 2010. This is the 2nd draft of it.

1st Draft of this Poem.

Christmas Morning 2010

the wheels spun quick on the hollow

arteries of the winter morning. 

at the off ramp home, two buckets

full of bright red roses sat in the 

morning light. a middle aged man,

probably of Mexican descent, stood

there waiting for customers. an older 

homeless man crossed pushing his 

cart along. his beard was a long and

dirty grey. he looked like a santa that

had fallen on very hard times. red

turned to green as I made my way 


Friday, December 24, 2010

Imperfection is an endless state of being

whilst perfection is the ideal against which

we live in the shadow of.


Your shadow haunts

us through

memories too recent

to forget.

Blue eyed boy

you gaze

back through old


into a present you

could not

have foreseen.


you are waiting for


el cielo azul

the open sky

wonders, its


marked by



the last

glass goes

down easy,

your words

a lullaby

taking me

to the



Thursday, December 23, 2010

After The Storms

I've missed your

warm face beaming

down on us.

Seeing you once

more makes it

easier to forgive

all absence.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


is like a cat

running against traffic

on the freeways

of Los Angeles

on a rainy day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Midnight Image

This flower bloomed

in the wet winter

of the midnight moon.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kalmia Street On A Late Night

Plucking strings,

vibrations float

invisibly through

air, magnetic tape

picks them up,

plays them back.

And your


And your


And your






Sunday, December 19, 2010


This is how I will

try to remember

your name. I love

the curl of your

blonde locks and

the brightness of

your smile. Seeing

you at Casey's in

the heart of Los

Angeles gives me

hope that conversation

will grow from the

soil of these years.


For Jill, curly haired
bartender at Casey's

Saturday, December 18, 2010

La Cara





de que



I fell asleep

to the sound

of endless

drops falling

onto the



only to

wake to

their rhythm

once more.

What Is A Thing That Collapses?



on a 





a form 

like lace,


to the 


The slightest 



collapse it.

What then?

Time wasted,

an exhausted



for K.A.N.


Lost in this darkness

I stumble blindly

groping for walls,

finding nothing at all.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


The words I am searching for are all there, the problem is finding the order

in which to best arrange them. It seems so easy to have a thought and place

it with the right words in order to achiever a maximum degree of clarity but

that is not always the case. The idea sometimes languishes in my head or is 

forgotten altogether. When that happens there is only regret at what might 

have been. Other times I have the idea and the words but suffer from the 

gall to make it so for fear of the parts of myself that would need to be laid

bare in order for it to happen. 


I never told you why I left, and for that I apologize. It was nothing either of us could have foreseen. I find myself thinking about you now more than when we were together. I cannot undo the things I have said or done, I can only trust that you can accept my sincerest apologies. Even if you cannot I am ready to accept that as well. My departure was a foolish errand, that much is clear to me. Though I cherish your love, I am unfit for it. I hope you have found someone more worthy of it than I. There is little that any sort of explanation by me could clear up for you. Know you were loved by me as deeply as could be felt. Though these words are drenched in saccharine you shall always own a piece of me both body and soul.

Your once beloved.


Archaic Expression

We have no qualms 

               with falling in love,

even less with falling 

              in lust to the thought

of one who is desired.

3:15 A.M.

Waking late,

or is it early?

It's hard to

say at times.

Mouth and

throat work

together to

express the

tiredness of

the hour.

The house

is still,

my sneeze

echoing in

the night.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Company of One

the silence of the morning

is the greatest


I share with no one

but myself.

wind passing in a grey sky

outside my window

the raven squawks.

in the distance

a dog barks,

its master


for the day.


I found it sitting there

in the darkness of

the basement.

I descended the stair

case with flashlight

in hand.

Sitting in the chair,

it looked at it's watch

and said,

"I was wondering

when you would

find me."

I wasn't sure what

to say. The first words

out of my mouth were,

"I'm sorry if I kept you

waiting, I didn't know

you were on a schedule."

"Let's go," it said. It stood

up and followed me up the

stairs into the afternoon.

A Searching Intellect

Our love is a function of our intellect.

The gray chapel in which it resides is

a dark and lonely place with only two

windows to the world. As it travels

peering into other windows, searching

for a matching gleam that can remove

the loneliness of its dark home. With

patience & chance the matching gleam

can be seen setting alight the beating

engine, running it into the red, hoping

it can slow down and enjoy the view

inside another's home.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Whales & Goldfish

the tires grip the curved onramp

as cars race by like salmon going 

upstream. suddenly a whale appears 

in the freshwater concrete nearly 

tossing my goldfish off the side. we 

roll forward, trailing in its wake.


type type type type


furrowed brow, chin stroke.

type type...


type type,



"good enough for now."

Monday, December 13, 2010

For Mary Ruefle

I type out words with soundless clacks

as you read poetry to an audience I was 

never in. 

Should I say that your voice sounded

smooth like the surface of a marble


Or that your words sound like those 

of an imagination of a life well lived?

I'd rather not think of how to describe 

you, I'd rather just listen, and watch.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Naked and Screaming

We came into

this world

naked and


if we're

lucky we'll

leave it the

same way.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Truth of a Kiss

I long to taste your kiss again,

soft, and wet against my lips.

Like rose petals, moist and

fragrant,we exchanged

breath between our lungs,

inhaling and exhaling,

longing to live eternally

between pages we

will never see.

note: looking at this the morning after, ehhh.

I don't think that ending really works.

Maybe I should rewrite it.

Truth In Advertising

the liquor

goes down

easy even

when every

thing else

in life


Friday, December 10, 2010


Who picked this sweet bloom I wonder?

Sitting there on the wooden table,

leaning against the gaping mouth of the

vase, her head tilting down. A white

petal landing soundlessly, like paint

drying in the sun.

Darwin, darlin'

Don't you believe in evolution? I asked her.

"I'm not saying it's not right, there's still too

many gaps in the theory." I wasn't sure what

to say to that. What can you say to that?

Darwin, darlin'. Saying nothing, she

shook her head and walked away.

Rough Times

As the clerk at the convenience store was

ringing me up, I overheard the stranger next

to me, "She was bleeding out from the mouth

before she expired. I cried three times."

As I walked away I thought to myself,

"These are rough times stranger, rough



We walk around writing

our story every day 

wondering if anyone 

will ever want to

read this novel we've 

spent our whole

life writing.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Master and His Servants

My hands run at the beck and call

of the master upstairs.

It is strange to think of the master

and servants as being one.

Their differences are many though

they share the same vessel.

Master can be uptight at times,

the servants don't mind being

carefree. They get along as

well as strangers like them can.

I wonder what they would make

of being described this way?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

heart & body

I taste just like like your lips

          I still burn from your hips

                     I'm bruised but not broken

The love of the world
               lives in your sweet flesh

                                  give me your heart



broken pieces

There is not hing

I can d o

a b


t his bro









spit it out onto

the concrete,

it evaporates

into air, the

mark of your

presence no

longer there.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unedited Freewrite Excersize #2

shut off the machine in front of you if you know whats
good for you don't hesitate just go ahead and do it i
know you're afraid to but i promise its for the best to
unplug yourself from time to time its not like you're
attached to an iron lung such a weird concept that we
don't have to think about anymore when your lungs
break down and you can only live by virtue of a ma
sheen machine machine machine is what Dez once
sang back when he was in black flag turning off your
brain is almost like turning on a faucet if you do it
right but its hard to and its even harder to say what
is right but we aren't here to judge right or the rites
of men who cast their judgments upon us only their
God can do so but they often ignore his word and
replace it with their own twisted sense of faith and
morality you get used to that backwards mindset its
everywhere it breeds quickly and masks itself in
clothes indistinguishable from our own walking
down the street looking for a stranger to meet it
could be me coming to you it could be you coming
to me come with me is what i would say but i would
never know where to take you it wouldn't be planned
it would be a spur of the moment active impulse to
subvert the paradigm of the known and unknown
quantities we know as ourselves our shelves tend to
hold the thoughts of others as writ upon pages and
pages of length tomes pages evolved up from the
lowly papyrus the ancient egyptians once used to
record their history and mythology though they
would consider it an insult for us to think of their
faith as pure myth but really how did they think
to embalm their dead thats beyond our understand
ing it may not be up to us to know or say no to the
stranger offering you a slice of heaven for the price
of a few dollars you say no but you say it in a halting
hesitating tone because you always wanted to feel
that sense of ecstasy that you've always heard people
sing and write about but never known for yourself
is it like the first time you fucked and came so hard
you felt like the heavens were collapsing in your
loins and nothing could stop you from going to hell
but how little it mattered and who were they to tell
you that it was wrong it was an abomination against
god and that it would be better to spill your seed in
the belly of a whore than on the ground you would
have taken the whore any day but that never seemed
to come and made you wonder just what whore they
were talking about no one knows or cares its just a
matter of saying one thing and doing another a vow
of fidelity and eternal devotion is only as good as the
heart who wields it but we all fall short of our ideals
but there is no sense in beating ourselves over it
just some primates looking for a good time to drink
some wine and pass the time passing the time is all
we do is all we can do with this large grey neural
mass pumping us full of thoughts neuroses and
ambitions using the body as tool to carry it aloft
and support its agenda what a cruel master it is
slaves to our minds slaves to systems that we never
made nor gave our consent to they always wield
the power but we must never forget that they is WE.


there was always

talk of

what we would

do when

the right moment


it went on like


for years that


forever eluded


the gates are closing


behind us the birds


as day turns to night


Machine Shop

Blotting out the sun within

numbs the heart to the sound

of its own beat, making it no

better than a machine in a


Monday, December 6, 2010


My dear,

this year

I disappear.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Non-Terminating Irrational Number

"I'm sorry sir, we no longer have any technicians

that can service that model. I wish there

was more we could do for you.

You have to keep in mind that it's almost thirty

years old. If I'm not mistaken, that one

was discontinued the following year.

You might have some luck taking it down it down

to one of those repair shops in the old
town district of the city.

I hate to say that but I just can't see many places

having the parts or the know how on

how to fix those any longer."

I told her "Thanks" and picked up the small box

and started walking back to the car.

I slid in the key and unlocked the door

and sat down into the worn seat. I opened the box

and pulled out the old pump. I held it
in my right hand as my left hand began

to undo the buttons of my shirt. I touched the

wooden doors on my chest, feeling for

the latch. I flipped it over and swung

open my sternum to reveal the empty space in

my chest cavity. I began feeling for the

arterial hose so I could more easily

find the others. It took a few minutes but I got

it all connected and flipped the switch.

It jerked a bit as it took a few more

moments to begin beating at a semi-normal

pace again. They just don't make

them like they used to.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Life Lesson

Your love is perfect without me

Your embrace was endless as we stood there

in the shadow of the city

You are a hope I have surrendered

to gain understanding of

a karmic lesson



It's best to let the sea sit between us

"I'm not gonna lie, but..."

I'm not gonna lie


I find myself uttering


words more often


not these days.

Abstract Unknowns

What are we talking about when we talk

about the known and the unknown? Is it

simply the things which we possess no

personal knowledge but for which there

is an answer with a more enlightened

being? Or are we talking about the

questions that have pestered man

for time immemorial because of an

awareness we can never obliterate

from our existence?

A Note For All Travelers

There is no tragedy

when talking of the shortcomings

of our lives, only

the results of an indifferent world.

Our joys are ours

alone as we travel through, hoping

to find a balance

between the acts of the angels on

the verge of

falling from our shoulders altogether.

Palm Psalm

I drew simple inspiration

from a few words of

another poet as I read

through her book.

The words flowed simply

and carefully through

the forms laid upon

the pages.

I couldn't help but

ponder the words of

a book aptly named,


To Know

She doesn't


unless I


her but


not true,


always knows


I'm talking


unless I


In that


neither of

us know.

Fractures in the Faults

"Do you really expect an answer right now?"

I had given her no other indication.

I replied simply, "Yes."

"You have some nerve to ask me that after

everything thats happened."

"I just need to know is all."

"I did and it was all your fault. If you had

just listened I never would have done it."

"That's all I needed to know."

I turned and walked away, her words

hitting my back, the hot sun burning.

My tongue sat silently in its cave.

"Walk away! Keep walking, you never

listen, never!"

Historical Events

The hand of history reaches its arm towards us

with joy or misfortune. We cannot judge its

offering to us until the moment has passed.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear God,

Have you ever heard the joke that goes,

Q: How do you make God laugh?

A: Tell him your plans.

I've been thinking about it lately.

At least one of us is getting humor

out of it.




the night twists into knots,

nimble fingers fumble in

attempts to straighten

the length of rope.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pillow Fight

"The trouble with a lot of writing is the self indulgent

tendencies of the writers and the exaggerated belief

in their own talents."

She was full of witticisms like this. After enough time

lounging in bed she would prod me into talking about

writing, often times while I was writing.

"But you're different than all those other hacks."

Really? What makes you think that?

"Well, for one you're pretty humble, secondly

you're actually talented."

I started laughing. Appeal to an artists ego is

the quickest way to gain immunity from their

mercurial temperaments.

"Why are you laughing?"

No reason.

"Well, you are good. Is there another way you

want me to prove it to you?"

I suppose there is but that would only distract me

from my writing.

She threw a pillow at me and started laughing.

It's a wonder I ever got any writing done.

A Question For Myself

forget the names,

in time

do they really all

seem the


Le Centre de nos Ames

I think of you

more often

than I care to

admit. Let's

not let these

neurons re

legate these

thoughts to

the dustbins

of failed ro

mantic in

trigues. L

et's meet

at the lips

and let ev

erything e

lse decide

itself as w

e go.

Past Love Sentiment

Our sentiments were the passing fancy of electric tides

fueled by a supposed desire to fill the empty spaces of

our lives only to expose that void once more and leave

it open to the icy winds of a northern winter.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


fleet footed messenger

I waited for you to

return, you never came.

dying in this darkness,

where did you go?

Unedited Freewrite Excersize

don't let this sentimental nature fool you, believe what
you want to believe. see what you wish to see. I am an
empty vase waiting to be filled the stems of your blooms.
I shattered on the floor when his arm knocked me over.
abstract thoughts of joy and missed opportunity pluck
at neurons like grapes from a clutch. Its easier to write
to forget to write and let the words tumble clumsily with
out any sense of order or volition. awkward children run
ning awkwardly, words that are never enough to capture
the full scope of joy, a mind too pent up, too worried
too concerned about what it is, what it could be, an
underlying sense of fear and dread of madness that could
consume an entire life, a life lost, left drooling, raving
in blind hysterics. wish you were real and not memory
could could be nothing its just unreal if you let yourself
slide away its just words nothing more just words falling
slowly waiting for you to make sense of them all edit them
together into a form give order give meaning to it all or
just let them stand alone in their solitude. i can't forget
the touch of steel slicing clean and deep, a hurt as pure
as any you gave me, i can feel that beat drive deep into
that subconscious sphere, i am not here a free word
association is all that there is left of me frantically try
ing to to the loose thread together again, they're too
frayed and gray, just forget the task, its not worth the
bother anymore they'll always be that far ahead you'll
never catch up. stop being scared stop standing at the
edge and jump and breath in the deep waters, let the
spongy lung tissue ache in pain, there is nothing left
to give when there is nothing left to live. turquoise
canopy of forgiveness shade my infidelity mask my
tranquility behind the concerned look of fragility
your mask mirrors mine if we could only see the
faces we hide from each other, you forget who is
there behind it all, all i see is a stranger left in my
place all i see left of you is the memory i hold tight
by the throat, never leaving me, but i wish you
would the way i've left you so many times before
alone on the side of the road, to fend for yourself
to worry of no one else. there is no peace in your
sanity, only one holy and unstable promise made
to keep, but its been broken and no one remembers
what it was any longer.