Wednesday, June 28, 2017

God in the Present

When I was God, I watched existence from my
omniscient perch in the heavens. I watched stars
come into being and die. I saw planets form and
life bloom from their primal reaches.

When I was God, I heard untold numbers of prayers
and hopes reach through the ether and take my ear,
pleading and hoping for my divine intervention to
make a difference in their lives.

When I was God, I was of myself and a part of this
existence. I could feel creation itself course through
me. My thoughts could wield anything into existence,
yet I had to learn how to restrain myself.

When I was God, I watched humanity in quiet wonder
as a parent watches a newborn. I saw my children be
cruel and kind and asked myself how we let one
another allow darkness of the heart.

When I was God, I grew tired and weary of existence
on my back. I wished to make myself separate from
myself. So, now I live as man quietly in this world,
watching and learning, waiting for a change.

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