Friday, June 16, 2017

Morning 6/16/17

What dream wakes you in the morning?

Thought unleashes itself at any point of consciousness
One must then decide on how to act or if to act

To wake without speaking

To be still is not enough
To listen is not enough
How much or what
is enough?
That answer is one
only you can give.

I dream of a better body
but realize only I have made myself
be this way. Only I can change
my patterns of consumption
in order to achieve greater sense
of clarity in me
Why is change so difficult?
Because it is
Because it must

All of life is thought and action.

False relief
False enlightenment
is a plague

Choice and action reveal character.

How scared we are to reveal ourselves fully
To be scared of judgement for our humanity

Music for healing the wounds of the universe.

What calls us forth to rise?
Life's heartbeat
It's steady rhythm
Never letting us forget

To be spiritual and human
Tied to this world through body

Give away that which you do not need.

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