Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Dream, Part 4

The boat arrived at the landing that led to the door.
I stood up and felt the boat sit as perfectly still as
land. A small wooden walkway led directly to the
entrance. The sense of warmth was palpable.
The door was left cracked open. I knocked and
pushed it open slowly. Stepping inside I could
see candles lighting every surface. Shelves were
covering all the walls and were filled with books
upon books. None were dusty. I heard a faint foot
step into the room. "You're here. I'm glad you
were able to make it." he said. He appeared to be
an older man in his late sixties. Salt and pepper
hair, long but well groomed gray beard, well worn
brown pants, a green flannel shirt, and a voice that
exuded comfort and calm. I asked him what his
name was. "Does my name really matter? I can
tell you my name is Joseph but you would have no
way to know I am lying. Our names matter little.
My name, even less. I know what your name is
but I have no need to use it." I looked at him
and asked "Can I call you anything?" "Of course"
he said, "Whatever makes you feel at ease."
I thought for a moment and asked "What is this
place? Why am I here?" He sat down in an old
overstuffed chair and motioned for me to sit on
the couch across from him. "This place...this
place clears your thoughts from everything
that seeks to disrupt you. The calm waters and
the boundless gray skies are not meant to scare
or threaten you. They are meant to clear your
mind of everything. Everything that troubled or
disturbed you, everything good and bad, all of
this has been gradually cleansed from your
thoughts. Only when this has been accomplished
will you first see the roots and began your journey
here. As to why you are here, well, that is some
thing you can answer." I had to think about it for
a moment and I said one word, "Clarity."
He nodded affirmatively. "The clarity of mind you
now have can now be taken with you to where
you need to go. Do you believe yourself to be
ready?" he said. I nodded. If this this is true
then you must go back to the boat. It will take you
to the tree of glowing water. When you arrive
to it you will see light coming from under it's roots.
You must swim towards it and follow it. That
is what you must do."

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