Wednesday, December 5, 2007

the moonlight is brighter than any midday sun

if this night doesn't get us first
then the inevitable
march of the hours
if this night doesn't get us first
then perhaps
dawns approach will.

it is better to
with the hunted
than to die
in peaceful

some do it for money, some do it for attention, some do it to fill the emptiness.
how many
of them watching you
know you?
you have become
for them.
i do not
posit to know you
as well as
you think i know you.
i merely care
to wonder
about their intentions.
but it is not
my business
to tell you
how to live
your life.
look into the camera
and into their
empty eyes.

i feel ill
at ease
when i talk to you now.
knowing we are not
so its better then
that i only see you
on the infrequent basis
that we do.

between me and the glass.
it is funny
how recently
i was still ready
to succumb
to that darkness
that has been around me.
how easily
i gave in to it
night after night.
the darkness
still remains
but now i know
that it cannot harm me.
i've been the only one
all along
that can.

no happy ending
i regret nothing
that one afternoon
with you
when you gave me
a chance
and i left it on
your cheek
and not
on your lips.

tu sabes quien eres.
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
until i
got bored with it.
there is no
back and forth
just me
and my thoughts
how much time was
ill spent
on an empty

don't get the wrong idea.
it is not all darkness.
it is not all loneliness.
there is a light
as dim as it may be
far ahead,
almost imperceptible

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