Monday, December 17, 2007

we must learn to lose before we can win

fence sitting on the wall
we sit
on the wall
between extremes
to jump down
on one side
or another.
coming down
from such
a great height
is sure
to break some bones
and leave
some scars.
climbing down
is not an option.
jumping is
the only way
out of this one.
will it hurt?
will the pain of the body
mending itself be great?
most certainly,
though it is much better
to suffer it
than die
for salvation.

"i am iris in the lens"
it's been so long
so why not just
a little longer?
this anxiety
is killing me.
distant arms
waiting to embrace me
might as well
be miles
beneath the sea.
there is a figure
in the distance
whose face
is hidden
but voice
keeps calling,
calling me.

the perversion of our time
what sort of perversion
of living
has our age become?
living so safe
and comfortable
in our homes
looking at the world
the myriad of screens
we own.
we connect
to others
in ways not conceivable once
but remain so much more alone.
our technology
has not made us any wiser.
it has only made us lonelier
and more desperate to connect
to a world
we are losing touch with
one screen at a time.

have i am always been a sleepless dreamer?

hindsight renders random into order.
random occurrences
are what seem to make
most of my life.
though i suppose
that is not entirely true.
things always seems so random
at the moment they occur.
often times
it takes weeks,
or years
for the randomness
to disappear
and reveal itself
as a beautiful
of order or
cause and consequence.
living so near
these moments
causes me to wonder
how time will
reveal its order
and reason
for these events.

nothing to do
but this.
knowing no truth
but this.

self-centered bastards
at heart
most art
in all the arts
comes down
to some sort
of ego boosting
self aggrandizement.
this doesn't have to seen
as a bad thing.
but art is a beautiful by product
of such action.
great artists should not care
what the public perceives
of their work.
art should only exist
as the result
of the purest form
of expression
and honesty
possibly from that person
at that moment.

there is no humor in tumor
but there is an i
in sight.

it is too easy
to just sit here
and muse all night
life and living
take place
in the dark places
at night.

some one
any one
to take
and make it
some thing
once again.

better honest here
than living
a lie in my mind.
a truth teller
than a fortune seller.
this is the attempt,
the process
by which thought
will become

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