Sunday, July 23, 2017

Morning 7/23/17

Voices singing in time as the rhythm propels them
Fervent and devout the names of god emerging
from their lips Hearts full of meaning and devotion

The flower was speaking from it's place in the garden.
I walked over to ask it how it was doing. It said it was
doing fine but that it was a little thirsty. I poured a little
water onto it and made sure some made it to the ground
as well. It said that was good and thank you. How had
I never noticed that flower could speak? After that day
I never heard the flower speak again though it could.
I can still hear it's sweet and quiet voice in the garden.

This journey home will last a lifetime
This lifetime will last the journey home

I watched her dance and imagined her being
in love with me as much as the rhythm moving her
This fiction in my mind comforted my heart yet
I still desired her but felt unable to bring myself
to her attention Her grace and movement
appeared as though from another world altogether
When the music ended I saw her look around
the room as she walked out through the door
I can still hear the music I can still see her
as she was then

Fragments of Morning

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