Sunday, July 30, 2017

Walk This Path With Me

The path of struggle is one we all must walk upon
in the course of our life. Struggle, hardship, falls
on us through the years by the sheer passage of
time if nothing else. We grow, learn, and adapt
from these lessons. We must see them as lessons
in order to foster growth. Some of our struggle is
self-inflicted. Those struggles cling to the very soul
of our being and force us to engage in deeply
personal reflection and evaluation in order to see
a way forward. Some of us struggle with addiction
to substance or reaction. Neither is good for the
body or soul. We must engage the deep thinking
mind to find our way through. Sometimes this
can only be achieved by reaching out towards
others. Knowing when to do so can be difficult
and a source of fear and judgement. Those who
love us will see us not as degraded beings but
as fellow humans attempting to ascend to a
higher state of being. This ascension need not
be anything intensely religious, though for some
it might be, but merely the fulfillment of a long
gestating path of growth.

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